The China Securities Regulatory Commission promised to take more measures to support the capital market, and said that it has recently held a symposium with overseas investors such as Berlaide and Qiaoshui to listen to opinions and suggestions.

The Securities Regulatory Commission officials, including the chairman Yihui, held a total of three symposiums with experts and scholars, domestic and foreign investors.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission announced on Friday (September 8th) on the official website that "the CSRC will carefully study the opinions and suggestions made by the participants, and study and introduce more pragmatic and management policies and measures.One, launch one, effectively maintain the stable and healthy development of the capital market. "

Bloomberg reported that since the end of July, China has been actively adopting action to boost investor confidence.The regulatory agency also lowered the stamp duty of securities transactions since 2008, and promised to tighten the first public offering (IPO) rhythm and standardized shares to reduce its holdings stage.

But the result is half -mixed.Economic data shows that the real estate market has continued to downturn and its exports have declined. The increase in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 indexes since late August has vomited more than half.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission stated that with the recent implementation of a series of related policy and measures in the property market, it is believed that it will promote the "steady recovery" of the real estate market.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission has almost no specific policy commitment in the announcement, but mentioned the optimization of IPOs and re -financing supervision arrangements, further standardizing shares reduction behavior, adjusting the ratio of financing margin, reform of public fund fees, etc.Policies and measures have landed, and policy effects are gradually emerging.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission also emphasized that it resolutely keeps the bottom line of risk and resolutely prevent the market from fluctuating sharply.Industry institutions should dare to and be good at the layout of the cycle, and win the trust of investors with long -term stable investment returns.