Whether Italy will withdraw from the "Belt and Road" in China, different statements have been frequently circulated in the near future.The Italian Prime Minister Melonney Sunday (September 10) clarified that Italy has not decided to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" and emphasized that the relationship between the two countries will not be affected.

Meloni, who attended the leaders of the G20 (G20) Leadership Summit in New Delhi, India, met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang in the afternoon on Saturday (9th) in the afternoon.The Evening Post and other Italian media subsequently reported that Melonney stated to Lee Qiang that Italy plans to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" plan, but still seek a good relationship with Beijing.

But according to Agence France -Presse, Melonney said at the closing press conference at the G20 summit on Sunday that Italy has not decided to withdraw from the "Belt and Road", and even if he decides to withdraw, it will not damage the relationship with China.

Reuters quoted Melonony, saying that no matter how Italy made the "Belt and Road" decision, the key is "how to ensure that it is beneficial to both parties."

The statement issued by the China -Italian government after the meeting between the two countries did not mention the "Belt and Road".According to the statement of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Li Qiang pointed out that next year will be the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership in China and Italian. China is willing to agree with David as an opportunity to further strengthen dialogue and cooperation.He also called on both parties to continue to expand bilateral trade and create more opportunities for enterprises in the two countries.

The Melonony Office statement said that the meeting was the first time that the two leaders had the opportunity to directly contact and confirmed the common willingness to consolidate and deepen Rome and Beijing on major bilateral and international topic dialogues.The two countries will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership next year. "This will become a lighthouse for the two countries to promote friendship and cooperation in the areas of common interests."

Italy joined the "Belt and Road" in 2019, and is the only member of the Seven -way Group (G7) of the initiative.The "Belt and Road" agreement will expire in March next year, and Italy must make a decision three months in advance, otherwise it will be automatically renewed for five years.

Italian officials have repeatedly released signals to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" this year.Taliani, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister who visited China a week ago, said before set off that joining the "Belt and Road" did not bring expected results to Italy.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasized during the meeting with Tiani that the two countries have worked together to build the "Belt and Road" cooperation.

Some analysts predict that Melonini will publicly announce the withdrawal from the "Belt and Road" when visiting China in the near future, so as to take over the G7 round -value chairman of the President of Italy to appease the Western allies before the G7 -time chairman.In the Hua Italian company, it was retaliated with Beijing.

Melonyne disclosed at a Sunday press conference that China has invited her to visit China, but the date has not been determined; the Italian government is also invited to participate in the "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum hosted by China next month.Earlier media reports have reported that many European countries, including Melonini, do not participate in this forum.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Italy's withdrawal from the "Belt and Road" will have a certain impact on the international reputation of the initiative.However, the symbolic significance of Italy's participation is greater than the substantial significance. Now the exit will not change the current situation of the "Belt and Road" that is mainly involved in developing countries, nor does it cause substantial harm to China's interests. It is believed that the impact of bilateral relations is not great.

Li Mingjiang pointed out that the current Western world led by the United States has brought great strategic pressure to China. China has strong willingness to maintain a stable relationship with Europe, which determines that it is unlikely to counter Italy."At that time, Italy announced (exit), China defaults to this way."

On the other hand, Li Qiang emphasized that China and the European Union should further unite and cooperate with the EU Commission Chairman Feng Delin on Saturday and use the stability of China -Europe relations to hedge the uncertainty of the world situation.He said that risk prevention and cooperation are not opposite, and cannot be used for interdependence and unsafe and simplicity, and should not be generalized and politically politically politically.