The relationship between China and Japan is tension due to the discharge of Fukushima nuclear waste water.The general direction of friendly cooperation cannot be changed.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Chinese Embassy in Japan", Wu Jianghao made the above statement when Wu Jianghao's opening ceremony of the "2023 China Festival" held in Tokyo last Saturday (September 9).

Wu Jianghao said that this year is the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. The Chinese Festival is held in this important year, which is of unusual significance.He emphasized that the treaty stipulates that China and Japan should develop a long -lasting peace -friendly relationship in the form of legal form, and established the principle and direction of "never be out of date, long -lasting" for the exchanges between the two parties.

Wu Jianghao pointed out that the current relationship between the two countries is facing complex difficulties, but the importance of Sino -Japanese relations has not changed, and the general direction of peaceful and friendly cooperation determined by the treaty cannot change.

He also said that he hopes that the Chinese Festival will drive more people to integrate friendly exchanges, enhance understanding of mutual trust, and jointly promote the improvement of Sino -Japanese relations. It is also welcome to go to China to appreciate China's development and change on the spot.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan began to discharge nuclear waste water into the sea on August 24, which caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing. It was announced that the Japanese aquatic products were prohibited from the entrance.The relationship continues to be tense.