While China has played greater international influence in economics and diplomacy, it is looking for a breakthrough of cultural self -confidence.The Confucianism, who has been guiding the mind in many historical dynasties, has been sent with high hopes, and is considered another set of value system that can compete with the mainstream values of the West.

At the "2023 and Civilization Forum" held last Friday (September 8), some Chinese scholars proposed that Confucian revival can be used as another discourse power for China to challenge globalization.At the same time, some scholars reminded in an interview that advocating Confucianism should be based on respect for other cultures, and they are both beautiful and beautiful.

Wang Ning, dean of the School of Humanities of Shanghai Jiaotong University and a senior professor of liberal arts, pointed out on the "2023 and the Civilization Forum" that although China has made economy under the wave of globalization, although China has made economy, it still lacks its own humanity and culture.Theoretical discourse.

Wang Ning believes that only if China has its own unique theoretical discourse, can we establish cultural self -confidence and talk about equal exchanges and dialogues with Western and international academics.

In his opinion, Chinese culture, including Confucianism, has gradually moved from the edge to the center in recent years, and made a Chinese voice in the world as another discourse power to challenge globalization.

But Wang Ning also mentioned that Confucianism should not be just "resurrected" today, but should be explained and abandoned by new theoretical interpretations.Postmodern Confucian discourse.

The "Hedu Civilization Forum" is led by the International Confucian Federation. In December 2020, it was held in Beijing and Tokyo for the first time in December 2020. It was held in Peking University and Tsinghua University for the first time in the past two years.

Liu Yandong, president of the Federation of Federation of Confucian Federation, who was read by Ding Weidai, executive vice chairman of the Federation of International Confucian Federation, mentioned that the forum was first stopped by Singapore because Singapore has taken out the unique development path because Singapore uses oriental values.Li Guangyao, Founding of Singapore, has served as the honorary chairman of the International Confucian Federation, and this year coincides with his century -old birthday.

Liu Yandong is also a former member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and former Vice Premier of China.This year's forum is based on the theme of "civilization diversity and modernization". Dozens of experts and scholars from China, Singapore, the United States, France and other places have participated in the discussion.

Before the establishment of the and Hedu forums, China ’s context of pushing the revival of Confucianism had been followed.Over the past 20 years, the State College of Chinese University has been set up, and once has more than 500 Confucius colleges all over the world.The International Confucian Federation, which is established in 1994, will also entered the year next year.However, since 2018, the contradiction between China and the United States has intensified and ideological competition has intensified. More than a hundred Confucius Institutes in American universities have been closed.

Scholars: Civilization and mutual learning should not be unilateral

For the perspective of Confucian challenge globalization, Ge Jianxiong, a famous historian in China and senior professor of liberal arts at Fudan University, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao during the forum that the "harmony" of "Hehe" refers to integration."East wind overwhelm the west wind", but strive for an equal position.

Ge Jianxiong said that globalization is not westernization, but it is not "Donghua" and "Confucianization". The concepts of Eastern and Western culture, Confucianism, and liberalism are all factor in future globalization.

At the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference in May 2019, the official China official put forward the idea of strengthening civilization exchanges and mutual learning; March this year also proposed a global civilization initiative, emphasizing different civilizations, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning, and promoting modernization of human society.It has an irreplaceable effect in the process.

In Ge Jianxiong's view, civilization and mutual learning are to acknowledge all civilizations in the world today, including Western civilization, American civilization, and Muslimal civilization. There are places worth learning from China.

He said: "We often want people to learn from us unilaterally now. Why don't we learn from others? If we have always mentioned this slogan, but without any collective action, how can we take the trust in the world?"

Ge Jianxiong believes that China has done well in the beauty and beauty, "But do we really be beautiful and beautiful?"

He said that it was often the rise of civilization and a civilization decline, but the future world will coexist in various civilizations for a long time."Each culture should obtain the equality status you deserve in globalization, not who replaces who."