Venezuela President Maduro, who is being visited in China, has traveled to Shanghai to start a visit after the trip to Shenzhen.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Maduro visited Shanghai Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island and Fenglin Life Science Park on Sunday (September 10) to highly evaluate China's achievements in high -tech fields such as artificial intelligence.And look forward to more pragmatic cooperation between the committees of the commission.

Maduro arrived in Shanghai on the evening of the 9th after his visit to Shenzhen.Maduro flew from Shanghai to Jinan on the evening of the 10th and continued to visit China.

Maduro arrived in Shenzhen last Friday (September 8) to start his trip to China.Reuters earlier quoted officials and sources that energy trade, debt repayment and new financing may be the main focus of this visit.Venezuela has reportedly reported that the amount of owed to China has reached more than $ 10 billion (S $ 13.6 billion).