(Beijing/New Delhi Comprehensive News) On the date of convening of the G20 summit of the G20 (G20), the Chinese think tank was issued violently in India to clip geopolitical and private goods. Foreign media interpretation may reveal that Chinese officials did not attend this time.The reason for the summit.

The China Institute of Modern International Relations, which is affiliated with the Ministry of National Security of China, published a signature signature of the South Asian Research Institute Xu Qin, an assistant researcher at the South Asian Research Institute in the official WeChat public account on Saturday (September 9), and entitled India's "big layout"Articles with "careful thinking" criticize India with strong wording of India's "private goods" in the G20 conference's site selection and topic settings, adding more disagreement and competition factors such as the G20.

The article states that India has repeatedly violated international practice and sets up the G20 series in a controversial territory with its neighboring countries, including hosted the G20 side meeting in Arunechal (known as southern Tibet) this year.China has not attended it; in May, the G20 tourism working group meeting was held in the Indian -controlled Kashmir capital, Selinaga. Since the division of India and Pakistan in the region in 1947, it has been a disputed area between the two countries.

The article refers to India to "get international attention, and disguise its own territorial demand 'legitimacy' to raise international support". This kind of noisy behavior will only trigger diplomatic storms and public opinion vortexes, destroying the cooperation atmosphere of the G20 conference, hindering the obstruction of the G20 conference, hindering the obstructionThe meeting achieved substantial results.

The article also states that India has continued to strengthen the multilateral coordination of creditor's ones during the G20 chairman country to deal with the debt difficulties of developing countries, but they do not forget to use debt reorganization issues to become difficult to China."Discussion.

The article pointed out that if India deviates from the original intention and focus of the G20, and insists on the geopolitical "private goods" on the global economic governance platform, it will not only be conducive to the implementation of the responsibility of the rotating chairman country, but also promote the G20 to focus on global economic stability and recovery issues.Instead, it will further create differences and cracks, hinder the international community to reach consensus and substantial results, and will eventually cause damage to its international image and global development benefits.

This year's G20 Summit was held in New Delhi, India on September 9th and 10th. This is the first time since the first G20 summit in 2008, and it was not attended for this time.Further explain the cause.However, Bloomberg and Reuters reported that the above article may reveal the reasons behind.

The US Deputy National Security Consultant Fina said in New Delhi on Saturday: "The Chinese government has the responsibility to explain that what their leaders are involved or not participated in the summit."

According to Reuters, all circles originally believed that the summit provided a chance to meet with Chinese officials and US President Biden.In the past few months, China and the United States have been working hard to repair the relationship with the tightness of trade and geopolitical situations.

Fena believes that if China is unwilling to commit the success of the G20, it is "regrettable."He also said, "Some people think that the official absence of the summit in China shows that China wants to abandon G20 and establish another set of world order.