(Beijing Composite Electric) The National Development and Reform Commission of China has released a number of key projects with a total investment of about 5.27 trillion yuan (about S $ 979.3 billion), which attracts private capital to participate.

According to the public account of the "National Development and Reform Commission", according to the requirements of further grasping the notice of private investment work to mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, the China National Development and Reform Commission on Friday (September 8) through unified private capital to private capital on Friday (September 8)The promotion project platform has been released, and a number of key projects have been released to actively attract private capital participation.

Among the 4894 projects recommended by

Urban construction, agriculture, tourism and other projects, there are large number of projects; urban construction, highways, waterway ports and other projects are relatively large.Civil capital can participate in the construction and operation of key projects through holding or shares project companies.

This is another measure to promote the private economy after the establishment of a private economy for the establishment of the Private Economic Development Bureau earlier this month.China's three -year crown disease restrictions have impacted private enterprises in the supervision of technology, real estate and other industries.In the first seven months of this year, the investment in fixed assets of private enterprises fell by 0.5%.