China Yunnan tourism is hot during the summer, but Chinese media reported that the Yunnan tour group had a phenomenon of rejection of reporters' lawyers to participate.

According to the report on Tuesday (July 18) on Tuesday (July 18), a journalist purchased a tour of Yunnan on a short video platform to communicate with the platform and ask for a report on the reporter's certificate.Calling to verify your identity, and it is recommended that you do not follow the group, saying that "you can't stand such a big risk, this kind of tourist group must not be able to withstand the scrutiny."

When I asked Kunming Kanghui Tourism and China International Travel Service customer service staff on Monday (17th), he was also refused to participate in the group because of the status of reporters.

When the reporter asked if the reporter was not received because of the discount of tickets, Kanghui Travel Customer Service staff emphasized that some attractions were unwilling to receive reporters. This is a rules.

The customer service manager of China National Travelored also said that the tour guide did not dare to accept reporters. "Although it is a pure play group, it is inevitable that they will go to some scenic spots in some scenic spots.Clear. In case he came here to do some news, it is hard to say. "

However, both local travel agencies in Dali and Xishuangbanna said that the pure play group has no restrictions on the identity of the reporter.It is just that the scenic area may have no preferential conditions for the reporter's certificate.

This is not the first time a travel agency has rejected a reporter to participate in the group.CCTV reported in 2017 that some special travel groups on have stipulated consumer regions, age, and group gender composition. Some projects even explicitly ban reporters, lawyers, and tourism practitioners.

Ctrip said at the time that it had removed the illegal products and punished the exposed product suppliers based on relevant rules to apologize to the relevant users involved. Welcome to supervise the media and public opinion.

Chinese lawyers pointed out that setting conditions restricted reporters, lawyers, or tour guides to violate Article 9 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, and consumers enjoy fully informed of the right to knowledge, life health, property security rights, choice of choiceRights, these rights are given consumers by the law, and operators have no right to choose consumers.