The Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that the four relevant responsible persons in the case of the Fuxin Coal Mine Injury Case were investigated.

According to the website of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on Monday (July 18), after the Fuxin Honglin Coal Mine accident occurred, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission quickly established an accident accountability of the members of the Supervisory Commission as the group leader.The accountability review and investigation team, comprehensively carry out accountability investigation, investigate the responsibility of the accident, and dig deep into the problems behind the accident.Li Xueqing, Li Bo, Ningde Shuang, and Di Xiaodong's relevant responsible persons are suspected of serious violations of disciplinary violations and are currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.

Li Xueqing, a 55 -year -old, was a member of the mining supervisory department of the Fuxin Labor Bureau, and a member of the Fuxin Office of the Liaoning Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau.In June 2014, he served as deputy director of the Liaoning Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau of Liaoning Coal Mine.In December 2021, Li Xueqing served as the Director of the Three Division of the Liaoning Bureau of the National Mining Safety Supervision Bureau. In March 2022, he served as the three director and first -level investigator of the Liaoning Bureau of the National Mining Safety Supervision Bureau.

Li Bo, a 58 -year -old Li Bo, used to be the director of the Liaoning Provincial Coal Industry Administration, deputy coal mine safety supervision specialist at the Liaoning Provincial Coal Industry Administration, and the deputy coal mine of the Liaoning Coal Mine Safety Supervision BureauSafety Supervision Specialist.In July 2019, he served as the Director and Second Director of the Safety Supervision and Management of Liaoning Provincial Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau.Level surveyor.

The 59 -year -old Ningde Double 2005 served as the head of the Safety Supervision Department of the Coal Industry Administration of Fuxin City in December 2005. In September 2013, he served as Deputy Director of Fuxin Coal Industry Administration.Deputy Director of the Municipal Coal Industry Transformation and Development Bureau, the director of the Coal Industry Transformation and Development Bureau of Fuxin City in December 2019.

The 50 -year -old Di Xiaodong served as a member of the Coal Industry Management Bureau of Haizhou District, Fuxin City in January 2010. In February 2013, he served as Deputy Director of the Coal Industry Management Bureau of Haizhou District, Fuxin City. In August 2018Ren Ren Fuxin City Haizhou District Emergency Guarantee and Market Safety Supervision and Law Enforcement Center, and the director of the Emergency Guarantee and Market Safety Supervision and Law Enforcement Center of Haizhou District, Fuxin City in April 2019.

According to China News Network, an accident occurred on June 27, Fuxin Honglin Coal Mine, Liaoning, causing seven deaths and seven injuries.After the accident, the mining party deliberately concealed the report.After the Fuxin Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government discovered the related clues of Fuxin Honglin Coal Mine on July 4, they attached great importance to the investigation team immediately to organize the management of coal mines, emergency management, public security and other departments and land in Haizhou District to take verificationInvestigation, the public security organs immediately filed the case on the accident and took compulsory measures to the persons in charge.