China officially held the National Cyber Security and Informatization Working Conference last week, and launched a campaign to crack down on cyber rumors on Saturday (July 15).

The Ministry of Public Security announced on today's headline account that the Ministry of Public Security's Cyber Security Bureau decided to organize the "Back of the Campaign of Corporation of the Corporation of Online Rumors" from July 15th to July 21st. The purpose is to further enhance the massesThe discerning power of online rumors, reducing the adverse effects of online rumors on the production and life of the masses, and creating a good atmosphere of non -rumor, rumors, and rumors in the whole society.

The Ministry of Public Security said that public security organs in various places will strengthen online and offline interaction during the event.Rumors and anti -rumors are sent to the masses. "

The public security organs will also announce the typical cases of special action to the society through various news media, highlight the results, and continue to publicize the types, harm and identification methods of popular science rumors, and further popularize relevant laws and regulations and security civilization online knowledge.Essence

The Ministry of Public Security also said that since the launch of the special actions of online rumors in April this year, the online security department of the nation's public security organs has repeatedly breeded online rumors and has adopted a series of powerful strikes.The rectification measures punished a group of illegal criminals who borrowed hot cases and spread rumors to spread online rumors, and combined a group of rumors to make rumors and drainage and profit profits in accordance with the law, and achieved remarkable results.

Chinese officials held national network security and informatization work conferences from July 14th to 15th.Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, conveyed the instructions of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping, President of China.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to the party management of the Internet, build a national network security barrier, and take the way of governing the network with Chinese characteristics.