(Bloomberg, Washington) showed that the Chinese and Russian troops held a total of six joint military exercises last year, the most once in 20 years.

Bloomberg reported that according to data compiled by the China Military Affairs Research Center of the National Defense University, China -Russia's joint military exercises accounted for two -thirds of the total number of exercises in China last year with foreign military exercises.

Data show that in the six joint military exercises held by China and Russia last year, five times were held after the invasion of Ukraine in Russia.Four of them belong to bilateral exercises, and twice was held joint exercises with the enemy of the United States such as Iran and Syria.

It is reported that China does not help Russia in the Ukraine crisis to avoid crossing the US Red Line, but this does not prevent China from moving closer to the Russian army through the joint army.

Reports also say that the scale of joint military exercises between China and Russia is generally less than the exercises between the United States and the allies, but the exercises of both sides often have political meaning.For example, China and Russia hold military exercises around Japan every year, and the two countries have territorial disputes with Japan.

The China -Russia Air Force also performed a long -range bomber patrol in Indo -Pacific in 2019.Japanese fighter aircraft responded urgently, while South Korea said that the exercise entered its air defense identification zone, and Japan and South Korea were important security partners in the United States.

Tarver, a researcher at the China Military Affairs Research Center of the United States National Defense University, said: "These exercises will become more frequent and more political, with many political signals. The two countries may not like the United States and their allies.Even the offending ways to cooperate. "

China and Russia have not yet held joint exercises in the waters near Taiwan, but the two Russian warships rarely sail in the eastern waters of Taiwan last month, and have been in Okinawa Island, a large US military base.The two Russian warships were going to Shanghai Port at the time.

The Ministry of Defense of China (July 15) released news through the official WeChat that the Russian army will send the Haikong forces to participate in the annual joint military exercises organized by the North Chinese War Zone in the central part of Japan.

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense said that the exercise aims to strengthen the strategic coordination between the two armies, improve the ability of the two armies to maintain regional peace and stability, and cope with various security challenges.