The price of new houses in China fell again after five months. The downward pressure of 70 large and medium -sized cities has intensified and scope expanded, further suppressing the momentum of China's economic recovery.

China National Bureau of Statistics' sales prices released by 70 cities on Saturday (July 15) showed that the price index of new houses in 70 large and medium -sized cities in June slipped 0.1 % from the previous month, the first decline in this year.In January of this year, the price of new houses in 70 cities was flat month -on -month, ending the decline since February 2022.

The price of second -hand housing fell from 0.2 % from 0.2 % in May to 0.4 % in June, a year -on -year decrease of 2.8 %.The price of second -hand housing in Shanghai continued to lead, and it fell 1.2 % in June, a decline of 0.8 % in May.The prices of second -hand housing in first -tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have also fell.

Among 70 large and medium cities, the number of cities with rising new houses decreased from 46 in May to 31 in June. There were only seven cities with rising second -hand housing, which was eight compared with May.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Yiju Research Institute of Real Estate Consulting Institute, interpreted during the interview with Lianhe Zaobao. In the first half of this year, the housing price index showed a trend of "going up first and then falling", which showed that the foundation of the previous recovery was not firm.In addition, compared with the popularity of first -tier cities in the past and the cold market differentiation in second- and third -tier cities, the three types of cities have cool down this year, which is particularly obvious in June.

Yan Yuejin said: "Each department has noticed such new problems. It is expected that there will be a large wave of irritating housing purchase policy in July to stabilize house prices."

China's real estate and its industrial chain account for about 17%of the country's economy.As the economic growth momentum slowed down, the financial management department announced last Monday (10th) that it would extend some of the policy periods of the "16 Finance Articles" issued at the end of last year, including allowing banks to extend loans to developers with blocked cash flow.Chinese central bank officials also hinted on Friday (14th) that officials may introduce more targeted support measures for the property market.

Zou Lan, director of the Central Bank Monetary Policy Department, said at a press conference that day that since this year, the real estate market has shown a stable situation as a whole, but the risks of some real estate companies have still needed to digest for a while.

Zou Lan said that considering the profound changes in the supply and demand relationship of the Chinese real estate market, there are marginal optimization spaces that have been introduced in the past in the past long -term overheating phase in the market.The financial sector will actively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen policy research. Because of the urban policy improving policy accuracy, better supporting rigid and improving housing demand, and promoting the steady and healthy development of the property market.

Huang Tao, general manager of Guangzhou Central Plains Real Estate Project Department, analyzed in the interview that the fundamental reason why the property market cooled again was that the purchasing power of residents declined under the economic downturn."Even if the down payment and loan restrictions are relaxed, they can't afford a house and unwilling to buy a house. In this case, even if the government takes out, it is difficult to make the property market quickly rebound."

Huang Tao pointed out that despite the weak property market, the first -tier cities have not produced the market for the market so far, because the decision -making senior management hopes to return the price of the property market to rationality.The government's "big move" will naturally promote the rapid recovery of the property market, but this rebound will not last long, and it will fall again.Therefore, he is expected to continue and gently make efforts. After the summer vacation off -season, the property market will recover again from September to October, which is commonly known as "Golden Nine Silver Ten".