(Beijing Comprehensive News) China officially emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the party management of the Internet, build a national network security barrier, and take the way of governing the network with Chinese characteristics.

Xinhua News Agency reported that China ’s National Cyber Security and Informatization Conference was held in Beijing from July 14th to 15th.Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, conveyed Chinese official instructions at the meeting.

China officially proposed that the missionary task of "lift the banner to gather the people's hearts, prevent risk prevention and security, strongly govern the people's livelihood, increase the development of development, and seek cooperation for win -win".

He also clarifies the "ten persistence" principles, including the party management of the Internet, online information as the people, and taking the way of governing the Internet with Chinese characteristics, coordinating development and security, building a national network security barrier, and building loyalty and clean responsibilities.Working teams, etc.

China officially emphasized that party committees (party groups) at all levels should strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen overall coordination, and ensure that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has implemented the decision -making deployment of online information work.

Chinese officials have also said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CCP's leadership in the work of the Internet information has been comprehensively strengthened, the mainstream ideological public opinion of the Internet space has been consolidated and growing, and the international discourse and influence of the network space have increased significantly.

Another member of the Politburo and the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, Cai Qi, said at the meeting that it is necessary to strengthen online publicity and guidance, prevent network ideological risks, and firmly grasp the leadership of network ideological work.

On the other hand, the CPC Central Cyberspace Office issued a notice on Saturday (July 15), saying that some recent online accounts fabricated and distorted public policy information, mislead the masses, make profits from it, and deal with rumors and rumors.373 illegal illegal accounts.

Some typical cases reported by the Internet Information Office involved in the distribution of "small composition of stock markets", "national shortcomings and weak term leadership group", "admission to the 'social workers' cards' distribution, can also be given priority admission as civil servants",And "visual poverty" and other methods to make rumors and rumors.