The top military intelligence expert in China, Feng Yanhe, died in Beijing on July 1 at the age of 38.(Internet)

Feng Yanhe, a top military intelligent expert in China, died of a car accident in Beijing on July 1 at the age of 38.Feng Yanhe's accidental death has recently caused heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens feel that the officials are not protected by important talents, and netizens suspect that Feng Yuehe may not die in an accident.

On July 11, Feng Yanhe's funeral work group issued a report saying: "Outstanding party members of the Chinese government, outstanding youth science and technology work and educators of our army, winner of the National Defense Science and Technology Outstanding Young Audit Project, a major engineering expertLeader of the group, chief scientist at a key project, Comrade Feng Yanhe, associate professor and doctoral instructor of the School of System Engineering, School of Systems Engineering of the University of Defense Science and Technology, was unfortunately sacrificed in Beijing at 2:35 on July 1, 2023 during the implementation of major tasks.38 years old all year round. "

The prosecution did not explain the cause of Feng Xuanhe's death, but the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence issued a post on July 15 to mourn Feng Xuanhe, and explicitly pointed out that Feng Yanhe "died unfortunately in Beijing due to a car accident."

Public information shows that Feng Yanhe was admitted to the University of National Defense Science and Technology at the age of 18 to conduct a bachelor's degree in command automation engineering. From 2011 to 2013, he was jointly trained at the Department of Statistics of Harvard University and the University of Iowa University.Research, in 2014, he stayed in school after graduating from the University of Defense Science and Technology. He successively served as a lecturer, deputy director of the teaching and research office, associate professor, deputy director of a provincial and ministerial laboratory, and doctoral supervisor.

Feng Yanhe is mainly engaged in research in the fields of strengthening learning, intelligent games, intelligent planning, and military chess deduction technology, and has achieved important innovation breakthroughs in command control and intelligent auxiliary decision -making.The article by the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society introduced in detail the contribution of Feng Yuehe to China's military intelligence.

Feng Yanhe proposed the "strongest brain" of the construction of auxiliary decision-making in the environment of war-to-deduction.The R & D of "Battle Cran" is based on intelligent system engineering ideas, integrates a series of methods such as knowledge reasoning, supervision learning, semi -supervision learning, integrated learning, and strengthening learning.The generated big data trains the intelligence body, realizing the close synergy, efficient information processing, and accurate decision -making, solving the experience of expert experience in traditional task planning in the military and chess deduction.Adjust difficulties and other problems.

Feng Yanhe once led the team to win the "Human -machine Anti -Competition" championship with the "Battle Cran" intelligence with the winning record of the 3rd and 2020th National Bingqi Express in 2019.The smarter "Battle Cran" won the championship in the first "machine -machine" intelligent game special competition set up in the fourth National Bingqi Demonstration Competition in 2020.

Feng Yanhe is also close to the forefront of technological development, and led the team to complete the success iteration of the "Battle Cran" system from the intelligent game platform to the task planning intelligent auxiliary decision -making platform.Unanimous praise.

In the introduction of Feng Yanhe, officials of the University of National Defense Science and Technology said that in 2021, the intelligent auxiliary decision -making platform created by Feng Yanhe's team was successfully applied to 10 of the Central Military Commission, theater, military and soldiers, and national defense industry.The remaining units have supported the PLA's major training activities for many times, and effectively promoted the research ecological development in the field of intelligent game.

Specifically, Feng Yanhe led the "craniotomy" system developed by the team to act as the "super brain" of military decision makers, coordinating and controlling different combat platforms such as land, sea and air, and improving the collaborative combat capabilities of military and military.

The achievements and honors of Feng Yanhe include: the famous young scientists in the field of Chinese artificial intelligence and command and control, the chief designer of the "Battle Cran" of the "Battle Cran" for the Smart Auxiliary Decision Platform, the target of the military youth science and technologyThe Society's Young Scientist Award winner and the winner of the Hunan Province Outstanding Youth Fund; participated in the demonstration and planning of the national new generation of artificial intelligence strategic defense application parts, presided over and participated in more than 30 national and provincial and ministerial scientific research projects;The second prize, the third prize, the China Command and Control Society Youth Scientist Award, the first prize of the scientific and technological progress of the Chinese Command and Control Society, and so on.

Many netizens shocked and regretted Feng Yi's accidental death, and were puzzled by him on a car accident on the car accident at more than 2 am.

Some netizens asked: What happened when Feng Yuehe performed the task?Is there any other factors that lead to this tragedy?Such an important researchers died in a car accident at night and had to doubt whether there was the possibility of assassination.

There is a network news that Feng Yanhe suffered a car accident on the way back to the house after working overtime.Some netizens were angrily pointed out: celebrities traveling in groups, and national defense experts called the car alone late at night, "Who is the hell, who has the face?"

Some netizens listed some examples of the accidental death of some well -known experts, thinking that Feng Xuanhe's death was "not simple".These examples include: Academician Ma Shijun suffered a car accident in May 1991; Academician Li Bo died in a car accident in May 1998; Academician Lin Peng died in a car accident in May 2007; Professor Zhong Yang died in a car accident in September 2017; 2023 6On the month, Professor Zhang Dingbing died in a car accident.

However, the farewell ceremony of Feng Yanhe's body was held on July 15th, and netizens' speculation will not change the official qualitative "unfortunate sacrifice" of Feng Yuehe.However, Feng Yanhe's accidental death did sound the alarm of the security of Chinese experts.