Ding Xuexiang, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council, emphasized that it is currently at a critical moment of peak summer. We must further improve their ideological understanding and do a good job of energy and electricity security for "always rest assured".

According to Xinhua News Agency, Ding Xuexiang went to Huaneng Group Co., Ltd. and China State Grid Co., Ltd. to investigate and hosted a symposium on Saturday (July 15) to study further the peak and summer energy and electricity.Safety guarantee work.

Ding Xuexiang said at the meeting that energy and electricity is the basic guarantee for the stability of economic and social operations, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and thousands of households.He emphasized that at the critical moment of peak summer, we must further improve their ideological awareness and do a good job of energy and electricity security for the responsibility of "rest assured".

Ding Xuexiang said that we must pay close attention to key areas, periods, and areas of key areas, increase power guarantee, strengthen unified scheduling management, and resolutely eliminate power limit.Strive to ensure the stable supply of energy and electricity, continue to grasp the supply and stability of electricity and coal protection, and improve power generation capacity. The production units that have been put into power should be issued to speed up the production progress in the construction unit.

At the same time, we will strengthen the management of power demand side, and use a market -oriented method to guide all kinds of users to peak peak use to ensure that people's livelihood and important users are not affected.In -depth investigation and management of hidden dangers of production safety, and firmly hold on to the bottom line of production safety.Press the responsibility, implement detailed work, strengthen coordination and linkage, and make every effort to ensure the safety and stability of the supply of energy and electricity in the summer.

Reported that before the symposium, Ding Xuexiang went to Huaneng Supervision Center to learn about the energy production and guarantee of the enterprise, and learned about the grid scheduling operation and the protection of power supply and the protection of power supply at the National Electric Power Schedule and Control Center.

In the past two years, China has occurred in the second half of the year. The hydropower province in Sichuan, Sichuan, Sichuan, in August last year at high temperature and drought, which was severely lacked by electricity.At least 20 provinces have taken electricity limit measures; two electricity limit measures have slowed down China's economic growth during the epidemic.

The China Electric Power Enterprise Federation has proposed early warning, and the hydropower force has not been effectively improved since this year.Since the second half of 2022, the continuous continuous precipitation has led to insufficient water storage of major basin reservoirs at the beginning of this year, and the influence of precipitation has continued to have less precipitation since this year, and the production capacity of hydropower has continued to decline.