After a report was released in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), after the security of the Fukushima nuclear treatment water, the national atomic energy agency said that the report failed to fully reflect the opinions of all experts.Regret the IAEA hastily issued reports.

According to CCTV News on Tuesday (July 4), Deng Ge, Secretary -General of the National Atomic Energy Institution of China, told the media that Japan deliberately limited the authorization of the IAEA technical work group to make the assessment limited to one of the programs of the sea.Even though IAEA believes that the sea is complied with international security standards, it cannot prove that the sea is the only or best solution for the disposal of nuclear pollution water.

Duno said that Japan did not prove the long -term effectiveness and reliability of nuclear pollution water purification devices.The IAEA report pointed out that the multi -nuclein processing system (ALPS) adopted in Japan cannot remove all radioactive nucleo in nuclear pollution water.From the perspective of operation in the past, ALPS has proven to be able to effectively remove radioactive nucleo such as 氚, carbon-14, and the performance and reliability of ALPS will further decrease with the aging aging of the device.

Dunpe also mentioned that IAEA is based on the data and information provided by Japan's unilateral data and information. It only conducts a laboratory comparison analysis of a small amount of nuclear pollution water sample collected in Japan.In the case of authenticity and information accuracy, the sampling independence and representativeness are seriously insufficient, even if the IAEA review and evaluation make the conclusions that meet the international security standards, it lacks sufficient persuasiveness.

Dungo calls on IAEA to lead the establishment of a long -term international monitoring mechanism for third -party laboratories such as independence and effectiveness, and a third -party laboratory in Japan. We must fully listen to the opinions of experts from various countries, and make full considerationThe interests are related to the concerns and participation of the country.

He also called on Japan to fully cooperate with the long -term monitoring international mechanism and follow -up review and evaluation of the IAEA -led, and continue to carry out long -term reliability monitoring, nuclear pollution water sources and environmental monitoring, radioactive environmental impact assessment, timely transparent and transparent assessment of ALPS.The interests of neighboring countries and other interests announced the credible data information and accepted supervision and inquiries.Before the long -term monitoring mechanism is established, it is not allowed to start the sea. Once the nuclear pollution water emission data is abnormal or the control system fails, it must be stopped immediately.