上海合作组织成员国领导人星期二(7月On the 4th), a declaration was issued after the meeting of the heads of state, stating that it is necessary to build a more representative and fair multi -pole world order through equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. At the same timeCommon positions to cooperate and do not target other countries.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization jointly issued the New Delhi Declaration on Tuesday.The declaration mentioned that today the world has experienced unprecedented transformation and changes, the trend of polarization of the world has strengthened, and the deepening of mutual deepening of each country, and the digitalization process has accelerated.At the same time, various challenges and threats are more complex and dangerous, and more destructive. The existing conflicts have intensified, and new conflicts are endless.

In this regard, the declaration says that the member states adhere to the recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equality, common, inseparable, comprehensive, cooperative, sustainable and safe, and the diversity of cultural civilization, give play to the United Nations CenterCoordination, through equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries, build more representative, more fair and democratic multi -world order.

The member states reiterate that the SCO does not target other countries and international organizations. Based on each other's interests, from the common position of solving regional and worldwide issues, in accordance with the principle of the purpose of the United Nations Charter and the SCO Charter,And international legal guidelines to carry out extensive cooperation with other countries and international organizations.Member states oppose international and regional issues through groups, ideology, and confrontation thinking, and adhere to overall planning to respond to traditional security and non -traditional security threats and challenges.

Member states also said that it is very important to continue to improve the global economic governance system. It will continue to maintain and consolidate the open, transparent, fair, tolerant, non -discriminated multilateral trade based on the principles and rules of the World Trade Organization.System, promote the development of open world economy, ensure the fair market access, oppose unilateral protectionist behaviors that destroy the multilateral trading system, threaten the world economy, and trade restrictions against the principles of the WTO.Member states emphasized that the implementation of unilateral economic sanctions recognized by the UN Security Council has adversely affected other countries and international economic relations.

Declaration also mentioned that member states support the relevant member states to implement the expansion of the line diagram of the share of the local currency.

On issues such as sovereignty and internal affairs, member states advocate the right to respect the political, economic, and social development paths of the peoples of all countries, and emphasize that they respect each other sovereignty, independence, complete territory, equal and mutually beneficial, non -interference in the internal affairs of the internal affairs.The principle of not in use or threatening the use of force is the basis of sustainable development of international relations.Member states also oppose to interfere with other domestic politics as an excuse to combat terrorism and extremism, and oppose the use of terror, extreme, and radical organizations to make private interests.

Member states reiterate that individual countries or national groups will unilaterally strengthen the global anti -missile system will endanger international security and stability.Member states believe that it is unacceptable to seek their own security at the expense of the safety of other countries.

In addition, member states believe that they should continue to fulfill the ban on the ban on the banned chemical weapons conventions and the Central Asian nuclear weapon zone treaty, continue to implement the Iranian nuclear issue comprehensive agreement, and solve the Afghanistan issue as soon as possible.Member states said that considering the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, effective measures should continue to provide assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

The declaration is also clear that member states agrees to continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of science and technology, education, culture, health, epidemic prevention, sports and humanities, and other fields.It is important to carry out cooperation.

In response to Iran's official joining the SCO, declaration describes this historic significance, and believes that the signing of a memorandum on the signing of the Obligations of Berlos is of great significance.

Earlier, the eight members of the SCO were China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tagikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan, and Iran joined the ninth member state.The chairman of the current co -Organization is India, and the next rotation chairman will be held by Kazakhstan.