Since the launch of the special operation of online rumors to combat rectification, the Chinese public security organs have investigated more than 1,600 online rumors, cleaned more than 420,000 online rumors, shut down or prohibit rumor rumors and rumors of more than 10,000 online accounts.Essence

The Chinese Ministry of Public Security announced the above data on the official website on Tuesday (July 4).

The Ministry of Public Security of China said that in recent years, some self -media practitioners have fallen to spread rumors of spreading the Internet through social hot events.Fan flows, illegal profits; some website companies implement the responsibility of the main body of the network security, and let the rumors of online rumors spread and spread on their platforms, causing bad social impacts;Building and spreading false information "heating spots", "heat", "rhythm" to achieve the purpose of drainage profit, extortion and extortion.

The Ministry of Public Security said that related illegal acts disrupting the order of network space and disturbing the public order of social public order, not only suspected of violating the relevant provisions of the law and punishment of public security management, and the serious circumstances may also constitute the crime of fabricating false information, provocation crime, and provocation, and provocation.Crimes such as extortion crime.

The relevant person in charge of the Internet Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security said that the network security department of the public security organs will resolutely curb the high frequency of online rumors, effectively create a clear network space, and maintain the national political security and social stability.At the same time, the majority of netizens are requested to keep in mind that "the Internet is not a place outside the law", strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, consciously regulate personal online words and deeds, and achieve "not believe in rumors, rumors, and no rumors."