Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer BYD sales reached a record high in June, recorded more than 250,000 units, and the cumulative sales in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 million units, an increase of more than 90 % year -on -year.However, there is still a big gap between the current sales data from BYD's annual sales of 3 million vehicles.

Comprehensive Shanghai Securities Journal and Interface News reported that BYD's release of production and sales express in the evening on Sunday (July 2) showed that the total sales volume in June this year was 250,346 units, an increase of 88.79%year -on -year; the total sales volume in the first half of the year was 1255637, an increase of 94.25%year -on -year.

The data of production and sales also shows that in the first half of this year, BYD had exceeded 200,000 units for four consecutive months, and even innovated.In addition, BYD's new energy vehicle output in June was 250,000, and the monthly sales were greater than the output.

However, the report also pointed out that if it is to complete the target of 3 million units of annual sales, it is necessary to sell more than 290,000 units in the second half of the year, which is significantly higher than the current highest sales.

On the other hand, new energy manufacturing forces such as Weilai, Xiaopeng, and ideal, as well as the new car delivery data of the new second -generation new vehicles such as Ean, Ji Yan, Lantu and other new cars.Most of the sales performance of new energy vehicle companies in China has picked up, but most of the car companies also joined the tide of price reductions in the first half of the year.

Tesla, a new US new energy leader, announced on Saturday (July 1) that the price of two high -end models sold in China will be reduced again.The analysis believes that this measure may trigger a new round of price competition in China's domestic new energy vehicle industry.