On the occasion of the continued impact of the situation in Europe and the world in the Russia and Ukraine War, Han Zheng, vice chairman of China, said that China is willing to work with all countries to jointly maintain world peace and security.State needs and desire to persuade and talk, mediate and mediate to resolve disputes through dialogue.

According to the China News Agency, Han Zheng Sunday (July 2) attended the opening ceremony of the 11th World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing and delivered a speech.BRICS New Development Bank President, former Brazilian President Rosev, former Russian Federal Security Conference Secretary Ivanov, former Indonesian Foreign Minister Verada and other foreign politicians, envoys in China, experts and scholars, etc. attendedEssence

Han Zheng said in his speech that China is willing to work with all countries to maintain world peace and security together, seek global development and prosperity, advocate civilized exchanges and learn, and share human development, security, and civilized achievements.

For this reason, he put forward four suggestions, including insisting on adhering to independence and respect for each other, resolving conflicts through dialogue, firm maintenance and practice of multilateralism, and promoting tolerance, inclusive, mutually beneficial and win -win.

In terms of adhering to independence and respect for each other, Han Zheng shows that supporting all independent independent exploration of democratic development paths, and respecting the people's exploration of value realization paths.

When talking about the conflict through dialogue and negotiation, Han Zheng said that the international community, especially the influential power, should be clearly banned according to the needs of the parties and desires to promote and mediate.Believe in each other, solve disputes with dialogue, and promote security with dialogue.

Han Zheng emphasized that Chinese -style modernization is the modernization of peaceful development.China is unswervingly to be the advocate, builders and maintenanceers of world peace. It is willing to work with all the countries in the world to accompany all the countries that love and develop, and go out of the Kangzhuang Avenue that moves towards lasting peace and universal security to allow peaceful peaceIt is passed down from generation to generation.