The demolition policy was accused of heavy men and women, and Hangzhou Xiaoshan District responded that the policy did exist and it was still implemented.

According to Red Star News, some netizens on Weibo reported on June 23 that according to the demolition policy of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, if both parents are rural residents, two boys have two boys, and the resettlement area is allocated when allocating area allocation.The area of the three people, one man and one woman, only allocate the area of two people, questioning that there is a heavy male and female, and violated the Chinese women's rights protection law.

The staff of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau of Xiaoshan District replied to reporters on Tuesday (June 27) that the policy does exist and it is still implemented.There are two sons in the household as an agricultural hukou, which can apply for an additional foundation. If the household is a child, one daughter or two daughters, you cannot apply for an additional approval to build a house.

The staff said that in 2010, a series of problems encountered a series of problems during the relocation process. The farmers reported that the needs were reflected and mentioned that if they were not demolished, the family of two sons could have been approved to build a house and demolished the demolition.It affected the son's future building.Therefore, the Xiaoshan District Government formulates four types of household policies. If the personnel who meet the conditions of the rural areas have two sons, and the two sons are under 28 years of age and unmarried, they can take an additional cost of 70 square meters in the family.Essence

How to protect the rights and interests of rural women's land in accordance with the law has a long history.According to the people's court reports in November 2019, the homesteads are not given to men, which is a common phenomenon in rural areas across China.The survey showed that 80.2%of women did not have registered names on the use of the homestead. In northern China, the situation was more serious, reaching 99%.

Reported that rural women have been deprived of the right to use the homestead. If you want to stay at home, building a house, etc. will be a problem.If you divorce your husband, you cannot guarantee it.If you marry in the city, there is no city hukou or rural house site, you will "do not rely on both ends."

Reported by the People's Court pointed out that the Chinese Women's Rights Protection Law stipulates that the state protects women with equal property rights with men.In terms of rural land contracting operations, distribution of collective economic organizations, use of land acquisition or compensation fees, and the use of homesteads, it has the right to equal equality with men.Therefore, no matter what places deprive rural women's homesteads, the right to use rural women are contrary to the country's laws.