As the head of the four major families in Hong Kong, every move of the Li Ka -shing family has always become the focus of the magnesium light. Recently, the third generation of the family has also appeared in the layout of many media in Greater China.

The Hong Kong Media Hong Kong Business Daily in Beijing issued a report entitled by Changshi 4.8 billion to acquire the British Fangtuo Fund, and Li Side's appearance reported that Li Side "quietly appeared, saying that Li Ka -shing's granddaughter Li Side appeared.It has caused market attention. "

It is reported that Li Side is the eldest daughter of Li Ka -shing and the chairman of Changhe Group Li Zezheng. He is 27 years old and serves as the manager of the business development department of Changshi Enterprise.Changhe Group and Changshi Enterprise are all companies under the Li Ka -shing family.

Changshi acquired the British real estate investment trust fund "Civitas Social Housing" through its subsidiary in May this year, with a total acquisition price of about 485 million pounds (about S $ 833 million).

In the press release of Changshi about the acquisition project, Li Side responded on behalf of the group as the manager of the business development department of the enterprise, and was widely interpreted as the third generation of the Li Ka -shing family.

Li Ka-shing (third from right) in October 2017, he released his photo with his granddaughter Li Side (third from right) in October 2017.(Internet)

Data show that Li Jiacheng's two sons have seven children, of which Li Zezhen has three women and one man, both of which are adults; the second son Li Zekai has three sons.Some commented that Li Side was the first third generation of the Li Ka -shing family.

The Hong Kong Business Daily also attached Li Side's profile in the report, including her original name of Li Yanning, an English name Michelle, and the interest was the sail movement.

It is reported that Li Side has always been extremely low -key, and usually has a hat, sunglasses and masks in exit.Li Ka -shing has taken a photo with Li Side in October 2017. The following year, she served as a director and other directors donated by Li Ka -shing. In 2020, she entered the Li Ka -shing Foundation as a director.Wait for the company to work.

On the halo of Li Ka -shing, the news about Li Side was soon reported by the media, especially the mainland and Hong Kong media.

In addition to the introduction of Li Side, these reports also mentioned the various activities and related topics of Li Ka -shing, and some media also made titles such as "Li Ka -shing 'retreat and endlessness'".

Even in 2018, it announced his retirement, and the business giants who were in Hong Kong and business territories spread all over the world are still the focus of media attention.

Li Ka -shing has frequently move recently

China Finance and Economics Platform "Wall Street Sele" on Tuesday (June 27) issued a report saying that Li Ka -shing appeared in Guangzhou last Monday (June 19), saying that at that timeA transaction from Longguang Group and Hejing Taifu is ongoing.

Reporting: "Guangzhou, which is airborne in Li Ka -shing, is the place where the base camp is located, and Shenzhen, more than 100 kilometers away, has been in Longguang for more than 20 years.A mansion project developed in Hong Kong together in Hong Kong. "

Bloomberg reported on Monday (June 26) that the name of the mansion project was The Corniche, and the Changshi Group intends to take over the loan claims of the project of HK $ 10.2 billion (below, about S $ 1.76 billion).Longguang and Hejing Taifu have been in danger and failed to pay debts on schedule.

Kaijie is a rare large urban seascape residential plot in Hong Kong Island, with mountains and seas.(Internet)

First Financial quoted Bai Wenxi, the vice chairman of the China Enterprise Capital Alliance and chief economist of IPG China, said that the loan claims of the Kaiji project actually mean that the principal and interest yield rights contained in the claims,The pledge right, and the consider of the participation of the project company's participation, debt restructuring, and debt -to -equity opportunities.

Bo Wenxi also said that after the loan claims, the receipt party generally does not take tough asset disposal measures, but will obtain the project through negotiation transfer; although this does not have problems at the legal level, but at the commercial level, it is at the commercial level, but it is not a problem at the legal level.The ethical level is obviously inappropriate, and business operations are suspected of "taking advantage of people."

The implication of words refers to Li Ka -shing to harvest profits by using the dilemma of mainland housing companies?Li Jiacheng himself or its group has not responded to this.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, Kai Yan is a rare large urban seascape residential area in Hong Kong Island, with mountains and seas.The project also has the advantage of the MTR Nangang Island. It is adjacent to the MTR Haiyi Peninsula Station to the Golden Bell.

Public information shows that the real estate has only sold only 295 houses in total, and the practical area of the apartment design is about 1340 to 9,663 square feet (about 124 to 898 square meters).Based on the total sales area of 673,000 square feet, the unit price of HK $ 50,000 per square foot, the valuation of the project is equivalent to about RMB 30 billion (about 5.6 billion yuan).

In addition to the news of the acquisition of large actions, many netizens broke the news in Chinese social media last week. Li Ka -shing appeared in Hangzhou on June 14.According to the pictures circulating on the Internet, Li Ka -shing wore a black suit, paired with white shirts and ties, and his mental state looked good.

According to the Times Weekly to understand the elders and relevant persons, Li Ka -shing has a private itinerary or official travel.The person said that Li Ka -shing's itinerary was "personal problem", "there is no way to reply."Hangzhou is the base of Chinese private enterprises. Internet giants Alibaba, beverage giant farmer Shanquan and other enterprise headquarters are located in Hangzhou.

From the media "Yi Jian Finance", from the industry's opinion, this may be that Li Jiacheng will take the next signal of investment in mainland China as the key investment.

Some netizens broke the news on Weibo on Chinese social media last week. Li Ka-shing appeared in Hangzhou on June 14.(Weibo screenshot)

Sell British and European assets?

In fact, Hutchison Huangpu, a subsidiary of Li Ka -shing, participated in a land auction in Guangzhou in May last year.Although the land failed to compete, this was the land auction of the mainland market again in the mainland market for nearly 10 years.

At that time, this move triggered the speculation of Li Ka -shing's return to the mainland market. The main reason was that its groups frequently sold assets in Europe and the United Kingdom, including £ 1.21 billion (about S $ 2.1 billion) to sell London in London, UKClass Commercial Building 5 BroadGate, and at the price of 10 billion euros (about S $ 14.8 billion), it sold European wirelessLaunch tower business and so on.

Under the topic of the topic of Weibo "Li Ka -shing intends to sell the British 100 billion assets", some netizens left a message saying: "The European economy is not good. In addition to the Russian and Ukraine war, the Li family sells at this time.I still earned a lot. "Some netizens said:" This can't help but think of the Li family who has sold many mainland and Hong Kong assets in the past 10 years. Is Li Ka -shing going back? "

In this regard, the securities analyst interviewed by the Finance News Agency said that this should be Li Ka -shing's re -expanded asset optimization allocation according to the global situation.First Financial also quoted analysts that the British depreciation after Brexit, coupled with the impact of the epidemic, the shrinking of the British economy, the tightening of monetary policies, and politicians to advocate that the public utilization was collected by state -owned state -owned.The prospect is covered with haze, which may promote Li Ka -shing to sell these assets.

The chairman of the Changshi Group Li Zezheng personally explained that the most important consideration is the quality, stability and return rate of investment projects.Essence

Li Zezheng made the above response when asked if he continued to sell the British project in March of this year.He emphasized that as a global company, the Changhe Department never chose to invest, but to choose a project. "The most important thing for shareholders is to make money back."

Bloomberg reported in March that Changhe's profits increased by about 10%in 2022, exceeding analyst expectations, because diversified global investment portfolios and major transactions helped the company offset the crown disease epidemic in mainland China, the downturn in European economic downturnAnd adverse factors such as currency fluctuations.More than half of the income from half of long and more comes from Europe and about 20%from the mainland.

Gradually withdraw the capital

Li Ka -shing started with a plastic flower factory in 1950, and was later promoted by the booming economy of the mainland. In the end, it created a business empire of business cross -border. Changhe is the flagship enterprise.And telecommunications and so on.

In 2013, with the increasing uncertainty of the real estate market, Li Jiacheng's company began to sell assets on the mainland and Hong Kong.

BBC (BBC) Chinese website reported that from 2013 to 2017, the mainland and Hong Kong assets sold by the Li Ka -shing family exceeded HK $ 170 billion.Most of these funds are used to acquire companies in Britain, Portugal, Germany and other places.

At that time, many public opinion in the mainland believed that Li Ka -shing was withdrawing from the mainland market, reflecting his lack of confidence in the Chinese economy.

In 2015, the "Watch Think Tank" of Xinhua News Agency published an article titled by Li Jiacheng that Li Jiacheng said that the reason why Li Ka -shing can earn wealth from the real estate industry mainly depends on "getting close to power".A thorough market economy, "I'm afraid it is not advisable to leave."

The article also said that the real economy of the mainland requires a lot of capital to enter. The rich in Hong Kong must contribute to the national economic revival, "not withdrawn without a lot of money."

Li Ka -shing issued a three -page statement response, saying that he would not withdraw from China.He also quoted the poet of the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi's poem, "I have no hometown, and my heart is safe."

Now looking back, Li Jiacheng not only did not leave Hong Kong, but also did not leave the mainland.There is no border of capital, and capital protection is the only attribute of capital.In the context of the global and even Chinese economy, Li Ka -shing, as a "Li Chao" who has been in the vertical shopping mall for many years, where the capital flows is not directly related to a specific area or country, the return rate and stability behind the investment portfolio are the key.