The party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development Ni Hong Monday (June 26) pointed out that the development of the real estate industry must shift from solving "whether"Good houses, improve the quality of housing, explore the establishment of a house pension system, and provide a full life cycle security guarantee for the house.

According to the news of the China Securities Network on Tuesday (June 27), Ni Hong pointed out that the housing and urban and rural construction business was directly connected to the people on the same day.Interests and well -being are important foundations and support for promoting high -quality development and creating high -quality life. They have huge market size, rich data, cash flow and other factors and extensive application scenarios.Do a good job in the support of housing and urban and rural construction without the support of financial institutions, we must adhere to the people -centered development ideas, and further broaden the cooperation between housing and urban and rural construction and financial institutions, so that financial innovation, product innovation, and scientific and technological innovation are integrated into the depth of integration to integrate the depth of technological innovation., Continue to meet the people's needs for a better life.

Ni Hong emphasized that "keeping diplomatic relations, protecting people's livelihood, and stability" is a major decision -making and deployment made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.Delivery the construction of housing projects and delivery to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer.The development of the real estate industry must shift from "whether there is" to solve "good", change the "high leverage, high debt, and high turnover" model, carry out pilot sales pilots, and promote the smooth transition of the real estate industry to the new development model.

Ni Hong pointed out that we must encourage financial institutions to participate in urban construction and update, and promote the creation of livable, wisdom, and tough cities.It is necessary to build a house for the people, improve the quality of housing, explore the establishment of a house pension system, and provide a full life cycle security guarantee for houses.It is necessary to seize the opportunity of digital transformation, accelerate the construction of new urban infrastructure, and make cities smarter and smarter.It is necessary to deepen international exchanges and cooperation, help construction enterprises "go out" and create an upgraded version of "China Construction".

Ge Haizheng said that it will give full play to the advantages of Bank of China's internationalization and comprehensiveization, and actively participate in key tasks such as housing and real estate, urban construction and updating, construction industry development, and development of international markets.Establish a special team, expand the field of cooperation, strengthen coordination and cooperation, innovate experience and practices, and make every effort to help the high -quality development of housing and urban and rural construction.