In the first quarter of this year, China's marriage registration volume was 2.147 million pairs, and the divorce registration volume was 641,000.

According to the surging news on June 27, the civil affairs statistics released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in the first quarter of 2023 show that compared with the first quarter of last year, the above two data increased by 40,000 to 127,000 respectively.right.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China's wedding data has declined year by year from 2014. In 2013, it was 13.4693 million pairs.8 million pairs.In 2022, the number of marriage registrations nationwide was 6.833 million, a decrease of 803,000 pairs from the previous year, a decrease of about 10.5%.

Affected by factors such as the Spring Festival and season, the number of marriage people in the first quarter of each year is usually slightly slightly slightly slightly more slightly more than other quarters. Take last year as an example.In the third quarter, 1.713 million pairs were 1.388 million in the fourth quarter.

In terms of divorce registration, 514,000 pairs, 498,000 pairs, 631,000 pairs and 457,000 pairs were 514,000, 498,000 pairs, 631,000 pairs in the first quarter of last year.