The Chinese police notified that Chinese fans who rushed into the field in the international football friendly match to embrace Argentine star Messi have been detained in administrative, and they must not enter the stadium to watch similar games within 12 months.

The Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau reported on Friday (June 16) on the WeChat public account that the 18 -year -old man's residence would jump off from the Beijing Workers' Stadium on Thursday (15th).Entering the stadium, "embrace your favorite players, run in the court, and be taken away by the staff. The fan's move has caused the game to interrupt."

The notice said, "After the excitement, Di Mou also apologized for his actions, accepting punishment by the public security organs, and hoping that fans will lead to abstinence, follow the rules and keep the discipline, and jointly maintain the inside and outside of the field.order".

Argentina, who won the World Cup last year, was against Australia in a friendly match on Thursday evening.The Chinese fans wearing Argentine uniforms rushed into the court while the game was in the game, embraced Messi, and ran for half a game with the goalkeeper Martinez, and was eventually lifted out of the court by many security guards.