Monday (June 12) is the four -year anniversary of the Hong Kong Repair Case of Repair.After the sharp changes in the political ecology of Hong Kong society in the past few years, this year seems to have forgotten this day. There is neither media publishing related reports, and few netizens have discussed on the Internet.Instead, in different places overseas, some Hong Kong people organize commemorative activities on the day of the "612" or ever.

Comprehensive online media reported by overseas Hong Kong people, in the United Kingdom, who immigrated to the most Hong Kong people, recently held commemorative assemblies in at least 12 cities.Among them, London held a rally with the theme of "Guarding the original intention and resisting redization" on Sunday. Nearly a thousand Hong Kong people were at high temperature and gathered in front of the parliamentary building to sing the ban on the application of the Hong Kong government to prevent spreading from spreading.May Rongguang return to Hong Kong.

As for the popular place where another Hong Kong people moved to Taiwan, many groups established by people in Taiwan and Hong Kong were held on Saturdays on Saturday.Plaza brand rally.The organizer said that about 600 people participated.

Remember on June 12, four years ago, many Hong Kong demonstrators who opposed the draft of the fugitive regulations surrounded the Legislative Council building, protested and prevented the regulations from passing.The police fired the rubber bullets to disperse the crowd on the afternoon and officially unveiled the anti -repair campaign for more than half a year.On June 12, it also became the iconic day of Hong Kong's anti -repair case incident.

After the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect at the end of June of the following year, a large number of Hong Kong people immigrated to overseas due to the changes in the situation.Taking the United Kingdom as an example, the BNO visa program that provides Hong Kong people with immigration to the UK has been launched from 2021 to the end of March this year, and more than 110,000 people have arrived in the UK to settle.

The Canadian government has also been implemented in response to the Hong Kong National Security Law since 2021, providing a "lifeboat plan" to Hong Kong people.Hong Kong people can apply to become local immigrants after they meet the conditions.According to the latest information provided by the Canadian government, as of January this year, the official has approved 1700 permanent residence rights, more than 33,000 study visas and "open work visas" to applicants.

waves of immigration have impacted Hong Kong's social and economic development.However, some Hong Kong people who immigrate overseas are also in the mood of seven, upset, and disturbing.Among the Hong Kong people who have moved to overseas in recent years, immigrants have both violated the risks of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and some have decided to leave their homes because they do not want the next generation to grow in Hong Kong in the new era.There are different stories behind each immigrant, but they are also facing heavy pressure in adapting to new life and work.

The first migrant and Hong Kong people's psychological health survey report completed last year by the British Hong Kong Overseas Chinese Association "Even in the UK, you still cannot get rid of the pain of pain in the past. While trying to adapt to a new life, you must handle personal emotions.

At the same time, after many Hong Kong family immigrants, the elderly parents lived alone in Hong Kong, which also caused a lot of problems.A "status and service need to investigate the situation and service of the elderly in Hong Kong" by the Hong Kong Christian Services Office found that the elderly in Hong Kong have worsening significantly whether they are social or emotional health.Can not be ignored.

What makes overseas Hong Kong people even more anxious is that the various obstacles of formal settlement are getting bigger and bigger.

Taiwan Liberty Times reported in May this year that in order to strengthen risk control, the Taiwan MAC has been studying and modifying Hong Kong and Macau residents to enter the Taiwan region and residence settlement permits.You can apply for settlement rules, and you can apply for four years before you can apply.This means that the threshold for Hong Kong people to immigrate to Taiwan in the future will be greatly improved.

Just like the United Kingdom, the local government has planned to revise the illegal immigration bill for a large number of illegal foreign population earlier, extending the standards of continuous living in foreign immigrants from five years to eight years, and then granted permanent residence rights.Relevant bills have completed the three -reading procedure of the House of Commons.

It is unclear whether the provisions of this period of residence will be applied to the BNO immigration plan of Hong Kong people, but the news has worried that Hong Kong people who plan to reside in the UK have been worried.Some people in the British and Hong Kong people criticize the bill is the refugee rejection law, and it will close a door to Hong Kong people to stay in Britain.

In fact, one of the reasons for the British government to receive Hong Kong people in the past few years is that they want to attract high net worth immigrants and bring wealth to Britain.In recent years, the number of British immigrants has soared, and the public complained that the official decided to tighten the immigration policy, which reflects that once the interests of overseas Hong Kong people and local residents conflict, they will often be sacrificed.

Therefore, some Hong Kong people who have encountered discrimination and survival in overseas have been born with a "return to Hong Kong" mentality in recent years.

For a long time, many Hong Kong people have been self -preceding as "world citizens", shameless "Chinese", and scattered all over the world in recent years to go to Western countries that are "free and democratic".Ironically, after overseas, the real life of the past four years has poured these "world citizens" a pot of cruel cold water.