A migrant worker in the Guangzhou Metro was questioned with a sneak shot. After self -proven that he was innocent, he was still exposed by the girls of the girls, calling it "wretched old man".The incident caused a storm of public opinion, and Sichuan University, who was studying in the girls, responded that it would deal with it according to regulations and discipline.

Southern Metropolis Daily and Jimu News reported that the incident occurred last Wednesday (June 7). When a woman took a subway in Guangzhou, she saw an uncle opposite a squatting mobile phone and suspected that the other party was sneaking in himself.Check the album, and the uncle agreed to let her check, but there was no candid photo in the mobile phone.

However, the woman did not stop, and she later posted a photo of the uncle on the Internet, called it "wretched old man" and commented that "I feel that this insignificant old man is not the first crime", which means that she has a good movement and performed well.Great words.

This incident has attracted widespread attention and continued to ferment with the exposure of more information.The girls were accused of being a master's degree in journalism and communication in Sichuan University. They were also members of the Communist Party of China. The uncle was a construction site migrant worker. At that time, there was no seat on the subway, so he squatted on the subway.

After attracting extensive attention from public opinion, the uncle's son accompanied his father on Sunday (June 11) to call the police at a police station in Guangzhou.Choose forgiveness.

However, the incident has not subsided with the woman's apology. Many netizens criticized that as a student of news communication, the words and deeds of the girls in the case of the girls have deviated from their professionalism.The evidence shows that in the case of the other party's sneak shot, he trapped others on the Internet and questioned "bullying honest people" and "slandering the weak."

China has recently occurred in China. The three departments of the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a post on June 9th to punish public opinions on punishment that cyber violence is soliciting public opinions. The incident of Guangzhou Metro has also triggered discussions on cyber violence.Official media CCTV commented on the incident on Monday that the Internet is not a place outside the law, not a place where casual indignation, and network exposure is not a tool for "shouting and killing".

Sichuan University responded that the school attaches great importance to this, and has closely contacted the local police and the students of the personnel to understand and verify the situation.