中国国家主席习近平星期一(6月12日) When a talks with the visiting President of Honduras, he was willing to lead and promote the in -depth development of bilateral relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping warmly welcomed the visit of President Honduras President Castro and pointed out that after establishing diplomatic relations with China in March this year, Castro was the first state visit to China to visit China.President Honduras has opened a new historical chapter of China -Hong Kong relations, which is special and significant.

Xi Jinping said that, as the first female president in Honduras's history, he sincerely congratulated Castro to the people of Honduras since he was in his inauguration and was committed to promoting new achievements in the development of the country.Castro has resolutely fulfilled his campaign commitment to establish diplomatic relations with China, made historic decisions, and showed a firm political will.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Zhonghong building diplomatic relations is now in the long run.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relationship between the two countries has begun rapidly, the start is good, and it has shown vigorous vitality and broad prospects.Last week, the Chinese Embassy in Hongdu was officially opened. Castro commissioned the main members of the cabinet to attend the opening ceremony, which fully showed that she attached great importance to the relationship between China Hong.Not long ago, the Honduras reporters and entrepreneur delegations successfully visited China.

Xi Jinping stated that China will unswervingly develop the relationship between Honghong and friendly relations, firmly support Honduras' economic and social development, and is willing to be a good friend and good partner who respects each other, equal, mutually beneficial, and common development with Honduras.

He also said that he would like to lead and promote the in -depth development of bilateral relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective, and turn the beautiful vision of cooperation between China and Hong into real results.Bring more well -being to the people of the two countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras passed Twitter on March 25, local time, and announced that it was broken with Taiwan.According to Agence France -Presse, Mainland China Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Honduras Foreign Minister Rena attended the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on March 26 at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing.The two countries signed a communiqué on the day, and the governments of the two countries decided to recognize each other from the date of signing the bulletin and establish a ambassador -level diplomatic relations.

President of Honduras arrived in Shanghai last Friday (9th) to start the first visit to China.At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, she visited China from June 9th to 14th from June 9th to 14th.

Honduras opened in Beijing at 11 am on Sunday (11th) in China. Honduras Foreign Minister Rena and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang jointly unveiled the embassy.