Following the response to China -India's reporters at the end of last month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to the incident on Monday (June 12), and called on India to review the Chinese resident reporters as soon as possiblevisa.

Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday that the Indian party has refused to approve the application of Chinese journalists to India for application since 2020, and insisted on only three months for the Chinese party in India, or even evenA monthly valid visa has led Chinese reporters to only one person from 14 people to the present, and the Indian side has not agreed to postpone the visa for the last Chinese party in India.

Wang Wenbin said that in recent years, the Indian media have four resident reporters in China, and there is still a normal working and living in China.

Wang Wenbin also listed the "unfair discrimination treatment" adopted by India's Chinese media in India.He said that some Chinese reporters have been waiting for a visa for three years; some reporters have obtained the visa period for seven consecutive visas for five consecutive years in India for five consecutive days, or even only 15 days, which leads to many Chinese reporters beforeWhen a round of application has been approved, it is faced with a period of time. It has been in residence permit for a long time, a bank card driver's license, and the post -mobile phone card cannot be processed; there are also Chinese reporters in India in India for five and a half years.Unable to apply for a local bank card.

However, Wang Wenbin said that China has always treated the Indian reporters in China like friends and family, maintaining restraint and communicating with the Indian side many times.He also said that he hoped that the Indian side would go with China and take practical measures to review visas for the Chinese resident reporters as soon as possible, cancel unreasonable restrictions on Chinese journalists, and create favorable conditions for restoring the normal exchanges between China and India media.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning mentioned on May 31 that because India did not postpone the visa for the last reporter in India, the Chinese reporter in India was facing the situationCountermeasures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese media.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a spokesman for the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in April that some Chinese journalists are still working in India, and New Delhi also hopes that Chinese journalists will work locally.

The analysis of the newspaper, the peer sanctions between China and India may exacerbate the contradictions between the two neighboring people.