Bloomberg reports that the Dutch government is trying to prohibit Chinese students from participating in university courses involving sensitive technologies involving semiconductors and defense.

BloomberDuring the learning process, students exposed to sensitive information.This measure is currently in the drafting stage.

The Dutch government has agreed to join the United States this year to further restrict the operation of exporting chip technology to China, and began investigating the acquisition of Dutch chip manufacturers of semiconductor manufacturer Nexperia.China Wentai Technology acquired Anshi Semiconductor in 2018.

The Dutch Ministry of Education confirmed in an email statement that they are trying to formulate measures to compulsory screening for students and researchers in the field of sensitive disciplines, and say that any measures are not targeted at any specific country.

Local intelligence agencies say that many Dutch companies and institutions have encountered difficulties in risk assessment involving economic and scientific cooperation in China and cannot launch appropriate assessment work.

The application of international students and researchers involving sensitive projects in the Dutch University is currently determined by the school.