China and Honduras issued a joint statement on Monday (June 12), and the two sides agreed that Zhonghong established a new historical chapter of the two countries on the basis of a Chinese principle.

According to CCTV news reports, Honduras President Castro had a state visit to China from June 9th to 14th at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping.Xi Jinping held a talks with the visiting Castro in the Great Hall of the People's Republic of China on Monday afternoon to achieve the first historic meeting of the two heads of state of the two countries.Essence

The two sides agreed that Zhonghong established a new historical chapter of the two countries on the basis of a China principle to open up a new historical chapter of the relationship between the two countries, in accordance with the trend of the times, and in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and the people.

Facing the future, the two sides have agreed to strengthen political leadership, promote the interaction of various levels of Zhonghong, strengthen cultural exchanges and cooperation with various fields, and be good friends and good friends who are respectful, equal and mutually beneficial, and develop together.

The two sides agreed that adhering to the general consensus of the international community and the fundamental prerequisite and political basis for the establishment of and developing relations between Zhonghong.The Honduras government supports the UN General Assembly No. 2758 resolution, reiterating the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legal government on behalf of the whole China, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory.Hong Fang also firmly supports and abides by a Chinese principle, resolutely opposes any behavior that is contrary to this principle, opposes any form of "Taiwan independence", and firmly supports the Chinese government's efforts to achieve the unity of the country.

China has firmly supported Honduras to independently select the development of the road and the development of foreign relations independently. It is willing to carry out exchanges with Hongfang's experience in governing the country and governing the country, to provide help for Honduras' economic and social development, and to achieve common development and prosperity.

The two sides agreed that the fundamental starting point and end point of the development of China Hong relations are to promote the well -being of people's livelihood and promote common development.The experience of corruption struggle has learned from each other, adheres to the people -centered development ideas, and work together to promote the modernization of their respective countries.

Hong Fang is willing to actively participate in the "Belt and Road" initiative.Under the framework of the “Belt and Road” cooperation, the two parties will strengthen policy coordination and development planning, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, implement the principles of co -business, co -construction and sharing, promote the concept of openness, green, and integrity, and realize the high standards of “Belt and Road” cooperation cooperation., Benefit people's livelihood and sustainable goals, promote the sustainable development and common prosperity of both parties.

During the start of the relationship between the relationship between Zhonghong, Zhonghong both reached a consensus on discussing the free trade agreement between the two countries and promoting pragmatic cooperation in various fields.The two parties are willing to take effective policy measures to promote the exchanges between the two parties.

China welcomes Hongxin products to enter the Chinese market. It is willing to provide convenience for this. Hong Fang is willing to actively use platforms such as the Shanghai Expo to expand exports to China; China encourages Chinese enterprises to participate in Hong economic development, energy, energy, and energy, energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy, energy, and energy, and energy,Environment, infrastructure, telecommunications and other projects.

Hongfang welcomes Chinese companies to invest in Hong to invest in business and is willing to provide policy support and convenience; China is willing to provide Hongfang with opportunities in the field of health and education; both parties will strengthen finance, agriculture, education, medical, cultural, tourismExchange and cooperation in the fields of technology, media, media, and other fields.

Zhonghong signed a series of results documents and established relevant cooperation mechanisms during the first visit to China ’s national affairs during the first visit of Chinese affairs, including economics, trade, quality inspection, investment, political consultation, agricultural cooperation, Scientific and technological innovation, culture and higher education, cooperation between institutions of diplomatic sciences, and mutual visas.

The two sides agreed that the world's changes, the changes of the times, and the changes of history are developing in an unprecedented way.The basic criteria based on the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, support real multilateralism.The two sides oppose all hegemonicism and power politics, oppose any unilateralism, protectionism, and violent actions, and to interfere with other domestic politics.