From trade to investment, multinational enterprises are implementing the "China Plus One" strategy, but experts and scholars believe that some foreign capital leave China is because the changes in production factors have promoted the changes in China's industrial structure, and the scale of China's exports continues to grow, indicating that China acts as a roleThe status of the world factories has not changed.

Xu Qiyuan, deputy director of the Institute of Economics and Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Xu Qiyuan, on Monday (June 12) at the Asian Vision Forum "From trade to investment," China plus one "happened in Asia?"It is said that the "China plus one" pattern in the international market has taken shape, but it is difficult for other countries to replace China as a world factory.

Xu Qiyuan pointed out that China's export size accounted for still growing in international market share, from 12.7 % in 2018 to 14.7 % in 2022, which shows that "China's status as a world factory has been strengthened rather than weakened."

He explained that China ’s exports can continue to grow in the context of the Sino -US trade war and global geopolitical tensions, because China can continue to upgrade in the industrial chain.Traditional car production countries such as Germany and Japan have become the world's largest car exporter.

Zhu Jia, a co -head of the Asian Private Equity Equity, has further explained that the peace dividends and international energy costs of the past few decades have been relatively low, allowing China to quickly industrialize and develop into a world factory.

He said: "But all of them will change. China's labor costs have increased by nearly two digits in the past 20 years, and China's current labor costs are no longer low. However, China has always been able to upgrade in the manufacturing value chain., So China can now produce higher -value -added products. "

Zhu Jia believes that with the rapid industrialization of the Ayanian country, they will be able to play a more important role in the global supply chain, and the future global supply chain will become more diversified.

Since the reform and opening up of China, foreign capital has continued to influx and economic growth has grown at a high speed.However, in the past 20 years, some countries and companies have realized that they cannot put all eggs in China's baskets, so they put forward the strategic proposition of "China plus one" to transfer some investment in China to other countries.Narcades in China, such as India, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc., in recent years, policies have attracted funds that have attracted China.

Vice Chairman of the Institute of Policy Research in the Asian Association and the former deputy trading representative of the United States, Cartler said that this is not only "China Canada", but the "China Canada X" pattern.

Carter said at the forum that many companies are looking for another place in the world, including India, Mexico, etc., and Chinese companies also include Chinese -funded enterprises.

But Carter reminded that there are more and more restrictions on export implementation. Enterprises are becoming more and more cautious about investing in the future. There are still many variables in the supply chain. Global supply chain changes have not yet been set.