Following the reduction of RMB deposit interest rates on Chinese state -owned banks last Friday, a number of joint -stock banks followed on Monday (June 12) to reduce the deposit interest rate.

According to the Beijing News, as of 9 am on Monday, China Merchants Bank, Ping An Bank, CITIC Bank, Pudong Development Bank, Everbright Bank, Zhejiang Commercial Bank, Guangfa Bank, Hengfeng Bank, Bohai SeaNine joint -stock banks such as banks have followed up the deposit interest rate.

In addition to the unchanged interest rate of one -year deposit, the interest rate of the above banks has lowered 5 basis points to 0.2%, and the two -year regular deposit rate is reduced by 10 basis points.15 basis points, five -year regular deposit interest rates downgraded by 15 basis points.In addition, the interest rate of one -year deposit has not changed.

Five Chinese state -owned banks reduced the RMB deposit interest rate last Thursday (June 8). The first collective low -rate interest rate of state -owned banks was in September last year.

According to the data of the People's Bank of China, as of the end of April, the regular and other deposits in personal deposits accounted for 71%, an increase of nearly 3 percentage points from the end of 2022; the regular and other deposits in corporate deposits accounted forIt rose nearly 68%, an increase of nearly 2 percentage points from the end of 2022.

As of the end of April, China's regular deposits accounted for 53.2%of domestic deposits, an increase of 2.1 percentage points from the beginning of the year.Especially for head banks, due to the higher proportion of core liabilities, it is even more obvious that the regularization of deposits is dragged down.