Taiwan's presidential candidate in the Ny also Kuomintang and the mayor of New Taipei Hou Youyi on Monday (June 12) promised the kindergarten child's sleeping potion and would not escape all issues.

Comprehensive China Shishi News Network and Taiwan Central Radio reported that Hou Youyi attended a press conference in the morning to explain the progress of the case and follow -up processing method.

For the Green Camp requesting Hou Youyi to go to the parliament on the next day to make a special report on the sleeping posom incident. He responded that he would not escape all the problems, and he would highly respect all the processes of the parliament.

Hou Youyi also said that parents hope that the prosecution will quickly clarify the truth and find the source of the drug.The New Taipei City Government, including himself, also expressed his position to the prosecutor to find out the truth and clarify the problem.

The Banqiao Kindergarten, New Taipei City, broke out earlier, allowing disobedient children to take potions with sleeping pills. 17 parents reported the case and reported to the kindergarten. Hou Youyi had apologized twice for this.Essence

Taiwan media reported that some parents found that their children had irritability and other abnormalities at the end of April this year, saying that the New Taipei City Government was notified through the special line and the mayor's mailbox, but they did not get a response.The New Taipei City Government said that after the report was reported in mid -May.