A man in China was recently questioned by a woman on the Guangzhou Metro. After he took out his mobile phone to prove his own innocence, he was still exposed by a woman. After the incident caused public opinion, the man chose to call the police.The man's apology.

Comprehensive Chinese media reports such as the Southern Metropolis Daily, Qilu Evening News, a woman saw an uncle squatting to play mobile phones on June 7 on June 7, suspecting that the other party was sneaking in himself and asked to check the album of the albumEssenceThe uncle agreed to let her check the album to confirm her innocence. After finding that there were no candid photos in the photo album, the woman still warned the uncle: "Be careful, don't take a mess."

Later, the woman was inThe Internet exposed uncle was a wretched man, saying that it was not the first time that the technique was not the first case, and said that since there was no sneak shot, why did he not speak for himself.

The woman's blog post was supported by some netizens after the release, but many netizens also posted documents that they were uncle, thinking that women were over -defending their rights.The woman deleted the blog post.

According to reports, the uncle's son, Mr. Deng, said on Sunday (June 11) that he only learned that his father was regarded as a "wretched man" on the Internet on the evening of June 10.

He also said that before his father and the woman reached a settlement through the police mediation, because the father had only WeChat, but did not understand the Internet, did not know that the whole country knew about this, and did not understand the woman's Internet exposure herself exposed herself.Severe.But as a family, you must not stand it after seeing these.

Mr. Deng said that his father was a migrant worker. It was because the construction site did not work on the same day, so he wanted to turn around in Guangzhou. I did not expect to encounter it on the way back to the subway.Mr. Deng hopes that the female son will apologize. "This incident has a great impact on us on the Internet. We hope she can stand up and apologize, otherwise we will sue her."

Uncle in the incident is on Sunday on his son on his son on his son on Sundays on his son.Accompanying, go to the police station at the Lujiang Station of Guangzhou.In the afternoon of that day, after learning that Mr. Deng called the police, the woman involved rushed to the police station of the Lujiang Station of Guangzhou from Dongguan to communicate and negotiate with Mr. Deng, and officially apologized, saying "I'm sorry, please give me another chance."

The woman explained that she was stared at when she was riding the subway but dared not speak. I did not expect that this time it caused a misunderstanding.

Mr. Deng said that the woman cried and said that she was going to expel her in the school, hoping to obtain the understanding of Mr. Deng and his father.Mr. Deng said that she only needed her to apologize online, and did not want her to drop out or compensate.

The two parties subsequently reached an agreement, and girls will post open apology letters online.

The woman involved in the full apology on Weibo that night, saying that she was really wrong, accepting everyone's criticism with an open mind, and correction with practical actions. This news once appeared on the number one in the hot search.

The official Weibo of the China Official Media's Network Review Department of the Network Review Department commented on the above incident on June 9 that the network is not a place outside the law, and network exposure cannot touch the law "red line".Citizens' right to privacy, portrait, reputation, and personal information rights must be fully respected and protected.

The comment also said that if the publisher of the exposure video violates relevant laws and regulations and causes serious adverse effects on the parties, it is likely to be held accountable for the relevant civil and even criminal liability. ThereforeMethods need to be cautious, otherwise you may move your stones and smash your feet. "