Disease control data shows that the Chinese crown disease epidemic is currently declining, and the proportion of XBB and its sub -branches in local cases has gradually increased to 92.4%.Zhongzhong control said that crown disease belongs to the "Class B tube" infectious disease in China. According to the requirements of the legal infectious disease epidemic information, it will be announced once a month.

According to the "National New Coronary Virus Infection Epidemic" published by the official website of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center on Sunday (June 11), the local sporadic sporadic sporadic sporadic sporadic sporadic sporadicExplaining, gradually rising in late April, rising trends in late May, slowing down, and currently showing a downward trend.

Compared with April, the number of adult clinics, severe illnesses and death cases increased in May, but the overall level is low, far lower than the peak situation at the end of last year.

Severe and death cases are mainly elderly people and people with basic diseases. The average age of death cases is 79.3 years, of which more than 90%of them are the basic diseases and crown virus infections.

The Disease Control data also shows that from May 1st to 31st, a total of 14,732 cases of the crown virus genome of the Crown Virus of the Crown Virus of the Crown Virus Genome in mainland ChinaEvolution branches are mainly popular places in XBB series.

According to the sampling date, the proportion of XBB and its sub-branches has gradually increased, from 84.6%from May 1st to May 7th to 92.4%from May 22-May 28thEssence

Zhongzhong Disease Control stated that the World Health Organization announced on May 5 that the infection of coronal virus infection no longer constitutes "international concerns of emergencies."Crown disease belongs to the "Class B tube" infectious disease in China. According to the requirements of legal infectious diseases, it is announced once a month.