Saudi Arabia Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman said Saudi Arabia ’s increase in energy cooperation with China mainly focuses on business opportunities and has nothing to do with politics.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, CNBC, Caixin reported, Salman attended the China -Arab Entrepreneur Conference held in the Saudi Capital Liyon Sunday (June 11).cooperate.

Salman said that China's oil demand is still growing, and Saudi Arabia must seize this opportunity.China has been leading in many fields and will continue to lead. "We don't have to compete with China, but we must cooperate with China."

Saudi Arabia received Chinese President Xi Jinping in December last year.At the time, it caused criticism from traditional Saudi partners in the United States.

When asking the US criticism, Salman said, "I don't care about these." He emphasized that there is a chance to go, "this has nothing to do with politics and has nothing to do with strategy."

The China -Arabic Society Forum was held to the tenth session. This year is the first meeting of Saudi Arabia.

According to a statement issued by the Saudi Arabian Investment Department, the two -day meeting brought together more than 3,500 governments and business officials from China and Arab countries.

Statement stated that on the first day of the meeting, an investment agreement of more than $ 10 billion (S $ 13.7 billion) was signed, covering various fields such as new technology, renewable energy, real estate, minerals, tourism, agriculture and other fields.Some investment agreements were reached between Chinese and Saudi private companies or state -owned entities, with a amount of at least 8 billion US dollars.

Among them, the Saudi Investment Department and Chinese electric vehicles and autonomous vehicle manufacturers Chinese Express signed a memorandum of understanding of $ 5.6 billion.

In addition, AMR ALUWLAA and the Central International Group, headquartered in Hong Kong, acquired a Saudi iron factory in Saudi Arabia for $ 533 million.Saudi Group ASK and China Geological Mining Group also promised to develop a copper mine project of $ 500 million in Saudi Arabia.