Hu Jiyong's popularity of Hu Jiyong's "holding the door" has not faded away, and Hao Gang, chairman of the China Railway Third Bureau of the State -owned Enterprise China Railway, has fallen into a "waist door" storm.For a time, the state -owned enterprise boss, who had stopped, became a hot topic of discussions by netizens, and the image of state -owned enterprises was damaged.

On June 7, Hu Jiyong, the general manager of the Global Project Management Company of China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company, and Ms. Dong, the employee of the unit, became popular on the Internet on the streets of Chengdu.The video shows that Hu Jiyong is sophisticated and glowing. Ms. Dong is beautiful and exquisite in makeup.The netizen identified that Hu Jiyong's woman holding hands was neither his wife nor his daughter.

The topic of

"Hand in Hand" has spread rapidly, and even over the college entrance examination, which has attracted the attention of the higher -level inspection team of Hu Jiyong and the Central Committee of the Petroleum Group.

China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company responded quickly. On the same day, it was announced that it would be exempted from the executive director, party secretary, and general manager of Hu Jiyong Global Project Management Company, and was verified by the company's Discipline Inspection Commission.

Hu Jiyong was removed from office, indicating that his superiors found that his relationship with Ms. Dong was not normal.China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company also announced that Hu Jiyong will be treated further according to the results of the survey.This means that if Hu Jiyong was found to have other problems, the ending may not only be removed from office, maybe it would be transferred to the judicial organs.

Hu Jiyong's "big melon" of "holding the door" has not finished eating. On June 10, Hao Gang, the chairman of the China Railway Third Bureau on the Internet, took a video of a lady's waist shopping in Chengdu.From the perspective of level, Hao Gang belongs to the main level and is higher than Hu Jiyong's main level.The video of this "waist door" also quickly got hot search, attracting everyone to watch.

On June 11, Hao Gang's China Railway issued a "Strict Statement", pointing out that individual netizens had nothing to do with hot incidents, and Hao Gang, secretary of the company's party committee, chairman, and legal representative, made malicious injuries and rumors.It not only causes harm to the personality of individuals, but also causes damage to the reputation and production and operation of the enterprise, and has a very bad social impact.

The statement emphasizes that the content of the network is purely false information.China Railway Third Bureau strongly condemned the behavior of deliberately speculation and maliciously hurting others through Internet hot incidents.China Railway Third Bureau has reported the case in the public security organs of Taiyuan and Chengdu, and preserves evidence of the infringement content. Regarding the act of infringing the company's legitimate rights and interests, the right to use all legal means to investigate its responsibility.

Although some netizens pointed out through photos comparison, the "Hao Gang" in the picture of the "waist door" is significantly different from the real Hao Gang in the face, body shape, and age, but there are still many netizens who are in the third round of China Railway.The statement expressed doubt that the company could not prove that the video was false with the "strict statement".Some netizens said that China Railway Third Bureau needs to announce convincing evidence in order to make the public believe in the company's rumors.

China Railway Third Bureau is a wholly -owned subsidiary of China Railway Co., Ltd. in the world., Eight regional engineering headquarters, three direct management (contact), have been identified as national high -tech enterprises for eight consecutive years.

As the head of the third round of the China Railway, Hao Gang was in a storm of the "waist door". The damage was definitely not only his personal image, but also the company's reputation.The third round of China Railway has quickly rumored, and there should be reliable evidence, otherwise the image of the entire China Railway Corporation and many large state -owned enterprises will be affected.

Hao Gang was caught in a "waist door" storm, reminiscent of the "lying gun" incident that Harbin Deputy Mayor Tan Lewei, who had happened not long ago.On May 24, a middle -aged man who drove Audi stopped parking illegally in Harbin and prevented the traffic police from law enforcement with a proud tone.After the video was uploaded on the Internet, some people pointed out that the middle -aged man was Harbin Deputy Mayor Tan Lewei.

In desperation, the Harbin General Office and the Transportation Bureau issued a notice and announced the information of illegal drivers.Some netizens pointed out that the illegal man was obviously different from Tan Lewei through photos, but many netizens still did not believe in the official explanation.

In fact, as the CCP's anti -corruption has increased in recent years, central enterprises have also become the focus of anti -corruption.Since the beginning of this year, the first round of inspections of the 20th CPC Central Committee have completed the inspection of the 30 Chinese management enterprises including PetroChina.From March 23 to June 8, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has announced that 31 state -owned enterprise executives have been investigated.

For public officials of party and government agencies and state -owned enterprises, although anti -corruption and high pressure and political education cannot cure corruption, the risk of corruption is indeed much more increased than before.Especially in the Internet era, "brave moves" like Hu Jiyong are not common among public officials.

But many netizens still believe that Hao Gang's "waist door" and the authenticity of Tan Lewei "reprimand the traffic police".This is because in reality, there are not only corruption spaces, but also enjoy a lot of privileges.Although these privileges do not stipulate, they exist everywhere in reality.For example, in terms of education, employment, treatment, medical care, pension and other issues, the differences between the real authority and the public officials of state -owned enterprises and ordinary people are very obvious.

Therefore, even if Tan Lewei has nothing to do with the middle -aged man who reprimand the traffic police, Hao Gang may have nothing to do with the "waist door", but the public's dislike of power, especially privileges, is real.Moreover, this social psychology is difficult to eliminate.