(Beijing Comprehensive News) OPENAI CEO Aldman quoted the famous sentence "Thousand Miles, Beginning" in the Tao Te Ching, and called on the international science and technology community to cooperate on the issue of artificial intelligence security.

China News Network reported that Aldman said on Saturday (June 10) at the 2023 Beijing Zhiyuan Conference that with an increasingly powerful artificial intelligence system, the interest relationship of global cooperation has become unprecedentedly important and important.Essence

He quoted "a thousand miles, began under the foot", and called on the international science and technology community to cooperate on the issues of artificial intelligence security, and promote the establishment of a mechanism for improving the transparency and knowledge sharing of the security technology progress to improve the security technology progress of general artificial intelligence (AGI).

Aldman believes that the first point of advancing AGI security is AGI governance. If you can cooperate internationally, everyone can benefit.He proposed that to establish an inclusive international standards and standards, set up equal and unified protection measures for all countries using AGI, followed by strengthening international cooperation.

Aldman also talked with Zhang Hongjiang, the chairman of the Beijing Zhiyuan Institute of Artificial Intelligence through a video.When asked how far from AGI, Aldman said it was difficult to evaluate the specific time, and we may have a strong AI system in the next ten years.

Aldman said that if people fail to plan well, a artificial intelligence system that is designed to improve public health results, but not aligned, may destroy the entire public health system by providing chaotic suggestions;An artificial intelligence system that is intended to optimize agricultural practice may accidentally damage the economy and consume resources.