The former Vice President of the Chinese Population Society, formerly New Saturday (June 10), pointed out that changes in cultural concepts are a major factor affecting young people's fertility.He said: "Now the life of young people is centered on self -development and self -pleasing, rather than children's as the center. Young people pursue their own development and happiness. If fertility will hinder their development and enjoy life, then thenI will choose not to give birth, or even marry. "

According to the Daily Economic News Network, it is also the original new" high -quality development support Chinese -style modernization "academic seminar held by the School of Economics, the School of Economics, Nankai University.At the meeting, the overlapping of negative population growth and aging deepening has become a macro population foundation in the period of modernization of Chinese -style, challenging and opportunities coexisting.The population growth has reached, but the size of the early population in negative growth is still huge.It is the fertility rate that determines how China's future population changes.

In his speech, the mild reduction of population in the early stages of population growth was a regular manifestation of population development.According to the UN world population outlook 2022 population prediction results, if China ’s total fertility rate level reached 1.89, 1.39, and 0.89 in 2050, the total population will be 1.41 billion, 1.31 billion, and 1.22 billion, respectively, and the scale will still be huge.China ’s total fertility level was 1.28 in 2020.

He said: "The huge population of population contains large -scale potential energy and forms a large -scale population opportunity. If it can transform the potential market into a real market through sustainable economic development, it will not only drive the large domestic economic cycle, but alsoIt will also provide China opportunities for the development of the world economy. At the same time, the negative growth of the population can also form the opportunity to reduce the total pressure of the resource and the environment. "The original new thinking is the change in the change of cultural concepts.He used himself as an example that if he was born in the 1960s and before, if you are not married, everyone will think that life is incomplete. If there is no child after marriage, they will be considered incomplete family.Children, everything for children.Traditionally, China has a cultural foundation for weddings.Now that the life of young people has changed dramatically, it is self -centered, not children -centered. Young people pursue their own development and happiness. If fertility will hinder their development and enjoy life, then you will choose not to live.Essence

He said that the high cost of life is important, but it is not a simple factor that causes young people's willingness to have a low fertility. The willingness to fertility is determined by comprehensive factors.A child, the cost of life is also very large.In the past, making money was for the improvement of family life and the development of children. Today, young people make money more for personal consumption, which is a change in ideas.