Czech Foreign Minister Lipstoski believes that the China-Central and Eastern European countries' cooperation platforms have been named.

Jan Lipavsky told the US news website Politico during his visit to the United States on Tuesday (May 2) that the platform neither substantial nor the future.He met with US Secretary of State Brillings earlier.

Lipavsky also said: "I thank the United States for their strategic leadership on the project of China. I promise to the Secretary of State Brosky that we are ready to cooperate with them within the European framework."

The US Department of Defense said on the official website that Brins and Lipavsky started the topic of common concern to China, as well as "ensuring the importance of continuous peace, stability and prosperity in Indo -Pacific and other regions".discuss.

As for whether the Czech Republic will officially withdraw from the cooperation platform, Lipavsky added through a spokesman: "We are not active members. We will not speculate on any decision we may make."

China -Central and Eastern European countries have launched in 2012.In addition to China, 17 Middle East countries including the Czech Republic participated in this cooperation platform.Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, the three Baltic regions, decided to withdraw after.