The Chinese e -commerce platform Pinduoduo has reportedly relocated the headquarters from China to Ireland. The relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo responded that the news was seriously misunderstood and purely misunderstood.

Reuters reported on Thursday (May 4) that according to the documents submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Pinduoduo has moved his headquarters from China to Ireland.The latest documents show that the company's main administrative office is in Dublin.The files in February show that the address listed in the company's main administrative office is Shanghai.

According to the Cai Duoduo, the relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo said that the news that "Pinduoduo headquarters from China to Ireland" was seriously misunderstood and purely misunderstood.The person in charge emphasized that Pinduoduo was born in Shanghai and grew up in China. The headquarters of Pinduoduo has always been in Shanghai, China, and it will not change.

According to Global Network reports, according to reports, the TEMU of Pinduoduo e -commerce globalization business has chosen to register for overseas business legal registration based on compliance needs based on compliance needs.Pinduoduo hopes to help Chinese manufacturing go out to sea through cross -border e -commerce and global business.