A number of military analysts said that Chinese aircraft carriers are actually in the training mode. At this stage, it is more like a propaganda material. The PLA may take more than ten years to truly project aircraft carriers into ocean waters.

Reuters interviewed four military officers and six national defense analysis of the regional navy deployed in the regional navy, and reported on Friday (May 5th).These analysts say that Chinese aircraft carriers are more like a propaganda material, and the outside world still questioned the value of these aircraft carriers in conflict with the United States on the Taiwan issue, and also questioned whether China can protect these aircraft carriers in the long -range tasks of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Eight of the analysts said that although some regional news reported by mainland official media, the recent military exercises around the PLA were described as active patrols and military challenges to the United States and its allies, butChinese aircraft carriers are still in the training mode.

Some analysts for examples. Military aircraft take off and land at night and bad weather, which is essential to conventional maritime aircraft carrier operations, but the ability of the PLA carrier is still not normalized.Chinese aircraft carriers are more fragile when facing missiles and submarines in conflicts. The PLA did not have a perfect protective shielding operation, especially when dealing with the war of anti -submarine.

Analysts also said that Chinese aircraft carrier pilots sometimes rely on land and air base airports to take off and land, and provide additional air cover and surveillance.

The Chinese Navy currently has three aircraft carriers, namely the Liaoning ship, the Shandong ship and the Fujian ship. Among them, the Fujian ship is the first Chinese aircraft carrier to deploy an electromagnetic projectile.At present, the Chinese People's Liberation Army is conducting a sea test on the Fujian ship and plans to be put into use in 2024.

Collin Koh, a Marita -Safety Expert of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, said that the Fujian has a more modern ability, but it will only be a test table in the next few years."Until we see the next generation of aircraft carriers, we can truly determine the design and intention of the Chinese PLA Navy."

Reuters refers to more than 100 articles published in dozens of Chinese defense journals recently.Military and government researchers seem to realize the challenges faced by Chinese aircraft carriers.

The Chinese official media PLA reported an interview with the aircraft carrier and air force in October last year. One of the officers acknowledged that there were many shortcomings in the preparation of the war.There is also a gap.