Senior Italian government officials say that Italy is likely not to renew the "Belt and Road" agreement with China that expires early next year, but it takes time to discuss with Beijing on this matter.

Reuters on Thursday (May 4) quoted informed Italian officials reported that the Italian government will not make a formal decision in frontIt is said that this is a highly sensitive issue.

The Italian Prime Minister Melonony's office refused to comment on relevant reports.

In 2019, Italy became the first seven -country member states to join the "Belt and Road" plan. The outside world criticized the plan to allow China to control sensitive technology and key infrastructure.

The then Italian Prime Minister Conte hoped that signing the "Belt and Road" agreement could help boost the economic downturn's economy, but it had little effect in four years.Italy's total exports to China increased from 13 billion euros in 2019 (the same, S $ 19 billion) to 16.4 billion euros last year.

According to the official data of Italy, China's total exports to Italy increased from 31.7 billion US dollars (the same, S $ 42 billion) to $ 57.5 billion during the same period.

The above -mentioned senior Italian officials said that Rome will notify the renewal agreement on the grounds that the lack of economic development.The relevant agreement will expire in March next year, unless either party will not renew the contract with a written notice at least three months ago, the agreement will be automatically updated.

Before the victory in September last year, Melonini made it clear in an interview with Reuters that she opposed the decision of the then Italian Prime Minister Conte, and said that "I have no political willingness to support China in Italy or Europe's expansion.Influence".However, Meloni also acts carefully to avoid offending China.

According to another Italian official, China will continue to be Italian partners, but Italy does not want to rely too much on Beijing in any key field, as relying on Russia in energy supply.

The Italian Chancellor Meloni met with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the Summit of the Gemplate of the Bali Island last November and accepted the invitation to visit China, but the specific date was not determined.

Melonyne has not visited Washington yet. The above officials said that Melonney did not want to visit China before he would not want to visit China before he would visit China.