The German sports brand Adidas' sales in the world's second largest sports apparel market in the world continued to decline in the first quarter of this year.

According to Reuters on Friday (May 5), Adidas reported last Friday that the company's sales in Greater China in the first quarter decreased by 9.4%year -on -year, and it was said that China's economic recovery still existed.Determination.

The first Finance reported in March that Adidas announced that the sales of Greater China in 2022 fell 36%, and the sales in the fourth quarter of last year fell by 50%. This is already Adidas inGreater China has declined for seven consecutive quarters.

Analyst of Morningstar, an American investment research and fund rating agency, said: "Their performance in China is really bad, obviously lost its market share. In the long run, this is even.It has a greater impact than Yeezy. "

It is reported that China's clearance policies in China last year have a negative impact on global consumer brands, but Adidas' decline is more serious than peers.However, Adidas faced the problems of Chinese markets before the sealing control affecting Chinese consumers' emotions and retail sales.

根据市场研究公司欧睿信息咨询(Euromonitor)的数据,阿迪达斯的市场份额自2019年以来在中国市场从19%下降至11%,这使得中国本土巨头安踏超过阿迪达斯,成为The second -ranking sportswear brand is second only to Nike.

Analysts of China Recruitment International (CMBI) believe that Adidas suffered more seriously in the Xinjiang cotton dispute in 2020 than the peers.

The brand's marketing strategy pays more attention to celebrity endorsements, not athletes, which means that celebrities 'abandonment of endorsements will reduce Adidas' popularity in the market.

The newly appointed CEO Bjorn Gulden said in March that Adidas will strengthen sports in the Chinese market, especially football and marathon, and sponsor more Chinese athletes.

It is reported that Adrian Siu, managing director of Adrian Siu, the managing director of Adidas, has begun to implement a multi -pronged market transformation strategy, including focusing on "hyperlocalisation" and acceleratingRenovation speed.

Three anonymous people know that this localization focus is not only reflected in increasing the proportion of local design products in the market from less than 10%to 30%, but also in the company's internal culture.Since Xiao Jiale took over the position, the language of the conference has changed from English to Chinese.