Qu Jing, Jiudu News commentator

Recently, online videos broke the news that a man in Shantou, Guangdong accidentally hit the village chief's dog while riding a motorcycle to pass the village chief.On the same day, the village chief took the village's law and order team to beat him, and asked him to kneel down to admit his mistakes.On the evening of May 4th, the "Ping An Chaonan" Weibo released a report that the five suspects involved in the case had all arrived in the case, and the case was being handled according to law.(According to the Beijing News on May 5)

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Video exposure has aroused online attention and indignation.It can be seen that the monitoring picture shows that the riding man was driving normally on the left side, but the dog did not tie the rope, and suddenly rushed to be hit. The man slowed down the car in time. After the dog was hit, he did not fall to the ground.EssenceHowever, the beaten person is very bad, and he is beating a bicycle with insulting ways such as heading and slapping.There were also four uniforms in the picture, and the man beaten the man with the beaten person.Looking at it, it is an extreme violence of dogs and bullying.

Police's notification responded to some of the public's questions. For example, the parties Zhou Moukun (male, 38 years old) drove a motorcycle to work, and did hit a long hair dog and found that they left the scene without any obstacles;The dog owner Lin Moupeng (male, 56 years old) did serve as a village cadre, and took people to beat Zhou Moukun.So far, the victims are still treated in the hospital.

However, there are some questions in the notification that there are no answers.For example, who are those who wear uniforms?Is it as rumored that it is a staff member of the village's security team? If so, why can a former village cadre be called to move law enforcement officers and fight for ordinary villagers?Could it be said that although the official is a predecessor, the power and power are still firmly in their hands?If these people are not security players, what are their identities, and why do they help the cadres in Qiancun?Where does their uniform come from?In the whole thing, is there any abuse of power and violates the villagers' illegal and disciplinary acts?

and these issues that have not been clarified are very important.From Zhou Moukun accidentally hit the dog, he was beaten by him, it was only one hour before and after. This group of people tangled the gang and cracking down on revenge. It can be said to be quite skilled.Planting things.If there is a public security team who is responsible for maintaining a stable and peaceful social and peaceful team, the situation will be even more serious.The law and order team should be protected by the villagers, but helped the former cadres to suppress and insult the villagers. What is the reason?How did this former village cadre, so fierce and evil?Why is it obviously the "ex -person" and there is such a big "appeal?" Is he the kind of "criminal village official" who controls the rural regime and oppresses the villagers. Is this typical?The chaos of evil?

In the normal rule of law society, people accidentally hit the running dogs, how to deal with it. There are legal rules and village regulations. In any case, they should not be beaten very reasonablely.Because the dog was hit and beaten, it is typically that "the life is not as expensive as the dog's life", and the reason why the dog is so expensive is probably because the owner thinks that "the high power is high and heavy forces."Meet your vanity and power of vanity and power.The root cause of this improper mentality and distorted desires is that some people with incorrect minds have controlled grass -roots organizations, violated fairness and justice, and trample on the rule of law.To remove evil, we must demonstrate the power of the rule of law and eradicate the soil that breeds the evil behavior.

At present, the police have been involved in the incident. Although the notification is simple, I hope that the case should not be simple. Do not treat it as a simple law and order. Especially the issue of the "security team" should be checked clearly., Pogly handle, give the victims and the public an explanation.

(Source: Polar News)