A ferry car on Friday (5 5 (5 5 (5 5 (5 5 Friday (55On the 5th), the morning of Xiamen Airport Terminal T3 was hit, and many glass residues were scattered on the floor.Xiamen Airport subsequently confirmed that the airport T3 terminal distant parking lot a empty -load ferry car collided with the distant glass curtain wall at 11.59 am, and no passengers were injured at the scene.

Xiamen Airport issued a notice on the official Weibo that after the incident, the airport immediately launched the emergency response process, and the relevant unit rushed to the scene to deal with it as soon as possible.At present, Xiamen Airport is running normally and has not been affected.The reason for the incident is under investigation.

Some netizens posted that at noon on the same day, a airport ferry car hit the T3 Terminal T3 at Xiamen Airport.The video showed that the ferry car broke through the glass of the terminal, and many glass residues were scattered on the floor.

Posting netizens said that there were no tourists on the car at the time of the incident, and the airport staff came quickly.Another video released by another netizen showed that there was a flight nearby to Xi'an, Shaanxi, to board the airport at the time of the incident.