Great Wall Network · Jiyun Client News (Reporter Wu Xinguang) The "May 1" holiday, the walls built by the highway around the Yellow River Putou Waterfall Scenic Area caught the attention of netizens.On the morning of May 4th, a staff member of Yan'an Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Shaanxi Province said in an interview with a reporter from the Great Wall New Media that today (May 4th), the publicity department jointly the Cultural Tourism Bureau, Scenic Area Administration, Cultural Tourism Company and other departmentsThe public opinion notice of the Yellow River Putou Wall was held to study the next steps.

Netizens lift their mobile phones across the wall across the wall, and raise their mobile phones across the wall.Shoot the Yellow River scenery.Video screenshot

The reporter learned that the Yellow River Putou Waterfall is located in the border between Shanxi and Shaanxi. It is on the east of Jikou Town, Jixian County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, and a national 5A -level tourist attraction in the west.The video released by netizens shows that there are high walls on the Shaanxi side of the Houkou Waterfall, and there are also fences on the Shanxi side.Some tourists are standing by the wall and holding up their mobile phones and shooting the pot waterfall behind the wall.

On May 4th, a reporter from the Great Wall New Media dialed the telephone number of the Transportation Bureau of Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province. One staff member said that the road of Yanhu Highway Scenic Area does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Transportation Bureau.Management of the Scenic Area Management Bureau, building a fence is a unilateral behavior of the scenic area.

The publication of the Landscape Scenic Area Administration of Huanghehukoukou, Yichuan County, Shaanxi Province released.Network Picture

Subsequently, the reporter dialed the telephone number of the Landscape Scenic Spot of the Yellow River Hugou in Yichuan County. One staff member told the reporter that they had explained a situation on the issue of "safety walls" on some sections of Yanhu Road.This situation shows that a section of the pavement adjacent to the main scenic area of the Hugou is 6 meters wide and two -way lanes. In the east side, a cliff with a height difference between 12 to 15 meters from the Yellow River Bed is the cliff that is easy to fall in the west.Before the safe wall of this road, you can indeed overlook the Houkou Waterfall. However, if tourists and vehicles stay on this section, not only will it face the danger of being injured by the falling stone, but it will also prevent traffic and cause traffic accidents.

Before 2011, the section of the road was hit by the stones every year.In June 2011, in order to ensure the safety of tourists and vehicles, the Putou Scenic Area Administration built some safety gear walls on the east side of the section, and set up a number of safety warning signs of "falling rocks and prohibited stays" on the west side.However, due to the short and low blocking walls, there are still tourists who stay, climb, and look at the Yellow River here.On February 10, 2019, when a tourist stopped here, he was knocked down by a person in the past, causing a large area of a large area.In May 2019, the Hugukou Cultural Tourism Company was lengthened and increased on the safety wall, and then no security issues caused by tourists and vehicles for staying here.In response to the problems reported by netizens, they will further strengthen security management and continuously improve the quality of tourism services.

In this regard, a staff member of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province said that the original intention was to ensure the safety of tourists, not to charge tourists from watching.

Some tourists said that the section of Ji County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province on the other side of the Hugou Waterfall also built a block.In this regard, the staff of the Shanxi Huanghekou Waterfall Scenic Area staff explained to reporters that the construction area was surrounded by the construction of a hotel.The waterfall was not seen on the road, and the waterfall can only be seen in the scenic area.

A staff member of the Lingfen Cultural Tourism Bureau of Shanxi Province responded that the Humou Waterfall Scenic Area is undergoing internal expansion. Out of safety considerations, the enclosure is built on the periphery of some sections, not to prevent tourists from peeping at the scenery."Because there are fewer supporting facilities in the internal catering and accommodation in the Humou Waterfall Scenic Area, the scenic spot is undergoing internal expansion construction."

A staff member of the Jixian Cultural and Tourism Bureau said that the parking lot over there was built. It was surrounded by safety, but the landscape did not affect the viewing. When the parking lot was built, it would be removed.

On both sides of the Yellow River Hugukou Waterfall, some netizens expressed their understanding.Netizens "Minglang" said that in the past, people stopped on the roadside, causing traffic safety accidents and traffic congestion. There were blood lessons behind each measure.Netizens "1024" said that this road is already narrow, and parking will traffic jams, and the wall is also for safety.Netizens "turned around" and said that the national road was next to the wall. There were often semi -trailers. Some drivers could not stop at all the cars in order to watch the waterfall. It was an accident road.

Some netizens also questioned.Netizens "Yiye Zhiqiu" said that if it is considered for security, it can be made into a fence, which can ensure safety without delaying viewing.Netizen "Beijing KK Sister Wandering in Beijing" said that the Yellow River is our mother's river. Do you need to buy a ticket first when you enter the house to visit his mother?Netizen "Liu Xiaojing" said that the manager's pattern is a bit small.Netizen "Huang Yuan said technology" said that Shanxi said that internal expansion and construction, after 3 years of construction, haven't you finished construction?Netizens said that the scenic area should attract tourists through special services, and the Yellow River circle should not only improve the satisfaction of tourists, but also damage the image of the scenic area.