The Canadian government is considering deinging a Chinese diplomat because the diplomat is accused of trying to collect family members of Canadian members to achieve intimidation.Canada has summoned the Chinese ambassador to Cong Peiwu on Thursday (May 4).

Comprehensive Reuters, Bloomberg, and Agence France -Presse reported that Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly revealed at the parliamentary committee hearing on Thursday that the deputy minister of Foreign Ministry in Canada was calling Cong Peiwu and said, "We are currentlyEvaluate various options, including expelling (China) diplomats. "

The Canadian Global Post Monday (May 1) quoted confidential documents and a non -name security source that Beijing is trying to get Canadian conservative members Michael Chong may be inThe relative information of Hong Kong may be for "killing chickens and monkeys to prevent others from holding anti -Chinese positions."

A document from the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency (CSIS) states that "this is obviously based on Zhuang Wenhao as an example to warn other members of the parliament who adopts hostile positions to China."Zhao Wei (transliteration, zhao Wei) participated in the intimidation of Zhuang Wenhao.

The Canadian Parliament had announced the motion proposed by Zhuang Wenhao in 2021, announcing the definition of China's way to treat the Uyghur Muslim ethnic minorities as "racial extinction".Subsequently, Beijing announced sanctions on Zhuang Wenhao.

After the news came out, several Canadian opposition members supported Zhuang Wenhao and asked the Trudeau government to take action to expel relevant Chinese diplomats.

Zhuang Wenhao said, "This person (Zhao Wei) needs to be immediately announced as an unwelling person", "(Canada) the government needs to clarify who knows what, when they know, what they do"Essence

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau on Wednesday (3rd) admits that intelligence agencies have previously learned about the matter, but concealed the news.Zhuang Wenhao said that Trudeau's national security adviser told him that related information had been passed on to Canada Privy in 2021.

However, Cong Peiwu denied the matter when meeting with Canadian Deputy Foreign Minister.According to a statement announced by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Canada, Cong Peiwu said that China has always adhered to the principle of non -domestic political political principles. Chinese foreign consular officials have always adhered to the relevant international conventions and the Sino -Canadian consular agreement to perform their duties in accordance with the law.

Cong Peiwu criticized the relevant news that "adding individual politicians and media to get political private interests and bloggers' attention. Out of ideological prejudice, it manipulates the issues involving China and arbitrarily discredit China."

Cong Peiwu also urged Canada to stop this "self -directed political farce", and do not go further and further on the road of errors and danger."If the Canadian side insists on provoking, we will resolutely accompany it to the end."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning also said on Thursday that China has always opposed any country to interfere with domestic politics, and never has any interest to interfere with Canada.internal affairs.