The New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi, who has always had a vague position on nuclear energy issues, said the latest statement on Friday (May 5th) that the DPP government's 2025 non -nuclear homeland was "unable to do it at all."

According to the Taiwan United Daily, Hou Youyi was asked about issues such as nuclear 4 and whether to support the development of nuclear energy in the New Taipei City Council on Friday.Hou Youyi responded that his position was very clear, and there was no nuclear power without nuclear security.Whether Nuclear IV restarts is not the calculation of anyone. It must be evaluated and tested in detail and international nuclear energy security internationally and international nuclear energy security.Nuclean security must always be placed at the forefront.

When talking about the 2025 non -nuclear homeland proposed by the DPP government, Hou Youyi said that the entire energy source has a certain proportion, and the central government must clearly propose it.The goal of the central government is that Green Energy in 2025 will reach 20 %, but from the results of 2023, it will not be able to achieve 20 % of green energy in 2025."The ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny, so there is a distance, which is completely impossible."

Hou Youyi continued to say that in the process of taking off in the Taiwan economy, nuclear power plays an important role as an important role in the Taiwan economy.character of.When Taiwan's economy took off in 1983, nuclear power accounted for 39%, and the highest peak was more than 50%.At that time, because of the nuclear power and stable electricity, there was the current electronics industry that the economy could flourish. During the process, nuclear energy can be said to be a very important professional role in playing Taiwan's economic transformation.

He said that now everyone has a lot of ideas for nuclear power. The most important thing is that the government must take the courage and think about adjusting the energy ratio.

Hou Youyi finally emphasized that it is important to do a good job in nuclear security, properly handle nuclear waste, and do a good job of energy ratio. In order to make Taiwanese people do not have to worry about the lack of electricity.